Some questions can be hard to answer, but some are straight up logically obvious
Is it worth to try to dodge shots?
given that if you micro to much your unit may stop shooting (depending on the unit)
IF you have sufficient micro and your dodginng does not hurt your macro
If you micro unit in a way that does not reduce it's DPS
If you can keep focus-firing unit that you want to kill
Then yes it is ALWAYS worth it to dodge shots, maybe there are other IFs that i didn't think about
But it looks to me that for example... if your tank is shooting enemy mex while getting shot by t2 pd and you have nothing else to do you can dodge t2 pd shots with your tank without any drawback
- you will not lose DPS
- since we stated that you have nothing esle to do, then it will not hurt your macro
- your tank will keep shooting enemy mex as it it is only thing that is in range and also it was the desired thign to shoot at
However in real game situation, most of the time you will not be able to focusfire and dodge at the same time
(tho there was some talk about feature that would allow to set target on certain unit, but for now there is no such feature)
So ideally you would probably want to just dodge but only with units that are getting attacked, and with rest you use focusfire to kill enemy units one by one instead of damaging multiple units
But again that might not be possible to see wtich units are getting attacked and wtich are not so most of the time you just dodge with all units or focustfire with most of units while dodging with ones that are getting attacked the most or just pulling back damaged ones
also if opponent is focus-firing one of your units it is most of the time better do focus on dodging with that unit
you can kinda set-this up by yourself. E.G. when you attack walled t1 pd with 10 tanks you put 1 tank slightly forward while the rest are at the back, and when you enter a PD range you will know witch unit will be focusfired by PD so with that one unit you don't even go close to PD, you stay at the edge of enemy PD range and try to dodge as much as you can, so you fully sacrifice DPS of that tank to avoid most of DPS of t1 pd
so all non-obvius cases are trade-offs, you can dodge some of your opponent DPS but lose some of your DPS or lose ability to focus-fire or while dodging it is harder to keep formation probably...