Find out what kind of error you have, by searching up your error text from the following list. (Copy the whole phrase.)
Common errors phrases:
RuntimeException: Tag mismatch!
SocketException: Connection reset
WebClientRequestException: Connection timed out
TimeoutException: Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 60000ms in 'sinkOneMulticast'
IOException: Cannot run program
java.lang.RuntimeException: Forged Alliance Crashed with exit code 1
Alliance Crashed with exit code -1073741515
Forged Alliance terminated with exit code -1073741515
Could not extract value with pattern 'code=([^ &]+)
cartographic.fx reason: unknown error
LoginException: Could not reach server
Solutions: :
- Reason:
The client is unable to establish a secure connection to the content server for downloading the game files.
- Disable security software for testing purpose
- Check firewall settings, if it blocks anything related to secure connection/FAF Launcher
- Reason:
Something is blocking the client to have access to the internet, or you have a very unstable connection.
- Check if your internet connection is stable
- Check if firewall is blocking the access
- Disable security software for testing purpose
- Try a VPN from a different country
- Reason:
Client can not detect that you are logged in from browser
- Change default web browser.
- Reason
Program is blocked or has wrong user rights
- Make sure security software is not blocking the client
- Make sure your windows account has rights to run the software
- Remove "C:\ProgramData\FAForever" folder; and reinstall FAF
- For testing purpose, run the client with admin rights.
- Reason
Some error caused the crash
- Get the last log from "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs"
- Create own thread, explain when the error happens and upload the .log
- Reason
Something is not working with your Supreme Commander.
- Start Supreme Commander via Steam/GOG, to download any missing files or additional needed software, then start a skirmish mission to create a Supreme Commander profile
- Reason
Files do not exist.
- Make sure nothing blocks your access to the FAF client or Supreme Commander folder
- Reinstall FAF client and Supreme Commander
- Reason
Problem with the current browser to processed certain information
- Change default web browser.
- Install another browser like Firefox, Chrome, etc.
- Reason
Another process is blocking the files
- restart the PC
- Reason
Unknown, yet.
Reinstall FAF, supreme commander
- Reason
- On your end, something is blocking the internet access from/to the FAF client
- You have no internet
- Login server is down
If you need any guidance, please make your own thread here:
Notes TODO:
add command to undo it: