Intel not shared


a0nemanarmy scouts, says "no nuke", as he doesn't see one. I could however see the nuke, but not the T3 arty that he could see.

As we never scouted again, this persisted and he was able to capture it (see twitch link).


Ah - forgot about this post.

The intel of players is not synced, as far as I am aware. That this happened is therefore possible. It was likely at the very edge of a scout at some point - intel is not updated at the same time, that caused this inconsistency.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Weeeeeeird, this can cause i desync if i set my t3 arty on "snipe mode" it will probably lock on the nuke, but in simulation on other computer that might not happen...
(not sure if that is how it actually works)

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

@jip said in Intel not shared:

Ah - forgot about this post.

The intel of players is not synced, as far as I am aware. That this happened is therefore possible. It was likely at the very edge of a scout at some point - intel is not updated at the same time, that caused this inconsistency.

Whuut? This isn't Age of Empires? Intel is supposed to be shared!?

But the spyplane was from the player that couldn't see the nuke afaik. So more intel was shared from his perspective than he got himself!?