Number of games played is very relevant to uncertainty, and uncertainty is taken into consideration with this autobalancing.
Some background info:
A player's displayed rating (what you see in-lobby) is actually the rounded result of:
Displayed Rating = Base Rating - Uncertainty
Displayed Rating = Mean - (3 * Deviation)
A new player starts as
0 displayed rating = 1500 base rating - 1500 uncertainty
After playing a few games, the new player might be something like:
500 = 1600 - 1100
After playing enough games that the player is no longer 'gray', the rating might be something like:
1300 = 1600 - 300
So, as you can see, the uncertainty starts at 1500, and generally, as a player plays more rated games, the uncertainty decreases over time, and eventually stabilizes at around 150ish to 300ish points. Playing 1v1's lowers the initial uncertainty a lot faster than playing 8v8's, as smaller player counts enable more certainty on individual player skill in determining victory vs defeat.
So, while this autobalancing could be changed to more directly factor in the number of games played, I think balancing each team's uncertainty is a somewhat similar but better solution.