How do you destroy wreckage?

Lets say you've left a exp unit wreck near to your opponent and would like to erase it, maybe with a TML strike. How do you do it? Do you ground fire ? Where exactly? And how much damage do you have to do? Is the amount of wreckage that gets removed related to the amount of damage you cause?

I may be wrong but I think wreckage has something like 80% of the hp of the unit. And the mass left in the wreckage is proportional to said hp. So yeah, just attack the wreckage by ground firing it with anything that has AoE

Check unit DB for the wreckage properties, you will see the much HP and mass they have. Also just ground fire the middle of the wreck, the command should snap to it just fine.

Tagada said in How do you destroy wreckage?:

I may be wrong but I think wreckage has something like 80% of the hp of the unit. And the mass left in the wreckage is proportional to said hp. So yeah, just attack the wreckage by ground firing it with anything that has AoE

Yeah it is the standard 81% mass value for full HP wreckage but one have to remember that some weapons overkill units and leave less mass or no wreckage at all, like TML hitting t2 mexes.

Pretty sure you can just press the attack hotkey (default A) or click the attack button bottom left, and then click on the wreck. no groundfiring needed

frick snoops!