Caster UI Mod Functionality Brainstorming
I just want opinions on the icons, my work is in the UI department not in the coding xdxd.
They should all be the same size. Not sure why land > air > navy in terms of icon size.
@keene I like it, but I think it needs a subtle marker showing the halfway point on the bars
Because otherwise it's not immediately obvious which player has more or less than 50%
I would suggest putting markers at the halfway point, and also 5/9 of the way and 4/9 of the way between the two extremes (because those marks correspond to one player having 20% more than the other player). Then it would be easier to see who has more and who has less.
People shouldn't have to read the numbers at the edge of the bars or use their eyes to guess at which bar is bigger. Come colors "pop" more than other colors, so it might be if you're bright pink at 48% to 52%, it looks like your bar is bigger than your opponent's. If there's a subtle mark at the 50% point, that takes away the ambiguity.
How about faf using some bucks to pay someone to design a professional looking ui
You should put the ui on the bottom. If you click on a unit for any reason, and you’ll be doing that during a cast: you’re now obscuring a solid third of the screen with the caster ui and the selection menu. This problem will be worse when you attempt to ghetto rig this product for anything higher than a 1v1. At least the ui functions of the game around the top of the screen can be hidden or used in synergy with the ui - because the top half of the viewport was made to be kept clear of anything outside of the most critical information.
Also someone please explain why it’s made with slab serif and no tracking LMAO
we live in a society
@biass It is not necessary to try to save the previous layout of the game UI. We always can move some ui to another place, and make it more presentable
@archsimkat Arch have you ever worked on a coding or design thing, where its almost like you dont always present an end product but a comparison between old and new or just a prototype xD?
Yes, the sizes will be the same but right now I'm asking between the new style seen in the T1 land icon and the old style between t3 navy. Are they different sizes? is something else clipping or looking meh? There is a high chance it looks like that because its a WIP and not a finished product.
Here, the t1 land has a smother shape on the edges, the bar in the middle has some edges and a small highlight behind it. The t3 navy is more simpler and the 3 bars dont have anything behind it. I'll try being more specific about this next time lol
@biass I mean I think it could be possible to write code for Team 1 mass = Player1.massincome + Player2.massincome and so on, so you could get a clear view of the whole teams rather than all the players. But tbh right now we just want to finish it for 1v1 and then possibly move on towards teamgames.
Also I'm not very sure since I'm just the UI person but how would we hide the selection menu? Is that possible? or should the casting UI be placed on top of it and shadow it completely (with the ability of being minimized if someone wants to see the selection menu).
Also I didn't know about tracking until now. Thanks for letting me know about it
@femboy make more changes, better draw concepts based on a ready-made mod, and do not change directly in the game
@eternal I prefer to work more with what I already have over creating something different. Specially considering that LoTS is right around the corner and I want to get out a functioning product as fast as possible so it can be tested, get feedback and re-improve.
@femboy You're in too much of a hurry