Reclaim balance suggestion

@Keene Hostile versus Non-Hostile would be nice, but, in terms of faction vs same faction seems questionable.

I understand the concept but not sure in a general sense how reasonable that is for alot of gameplay in FAF.

The rest seems 50/50 back and forth, which for the current situation is without for say same outcome.


@Mvk_ said in Reclaim balance suggestion:

@Keene Hostile versus Non-Hostile would be nice, but, in terms of faction vs same faction seems questionable.

I understand the concept but not sure in a general sense how reasonable that is for alot of gameplay in FAF.

The rest seems 50/50 back and forth, which for the current situation is without for say same outcome.



Most of his posts are gibberish like that.

maybe it is possible to make a mod that simply removes all reclaimables (rocks, trees, initial wrecks) from the map at game start? then people could play maps without initial reclaim and see how it actually affects the way games are played out. it would probably make games slower overall, but how much is hard to say.

what about reclaim that appears after killing units

Such a mod would be unranked meaning it would not get played more than likely.

Manual reclaim in higher amounts (eg. clicking more then the biggest rocks) is only needed at 2k+ level so I don't understand this whole stance of "you need to click so many rocks, what a dumb mechanic". If you don't want to then don't do it and you and 99% of the player base will do just fine. Instead of clicking the rocks to get 50 more mass you can micro your tank and win easily a 1vs1 with your tank and get guess what 50 mass value out of it as well as possibility of raiding enemy expanding engie or get a more favorable trade later on with 3vs2. If we are talking about team games you can do exactly the same with tanks or early t1 bomber.

People that argue that manual reclaim in high amounts gives insane return of APM investments clearly don't understand this game and it's mechanics.

@Archsimkat I support your proposed reduction of reclaim rate. I however do not know to what degree of reduction would be appropriate.
@Keene your suggestion too keep the rate at which an engineer can reclaim hostile units is good and I support this notion.