Intel range is something that could help. If you were to write a balance mod that just "unbroke" the game rather than changed the stats of a hundred units what would you change? Specifically targeting 40K maps here.
I am thinking:
Nerf infinite range T4 artillery > less range
Nerf yolna oss T4 nuke (nuke interval, cost?)
Remove paragon
Reduce cost / buildtime of anti nuke structure, leave missile untouched
Nerf novax (Cost, dps?)
Nerf torpedo bombers (health reduction?). Could also buff cruiser health. Countering the T4 torpedo bomber (alwhassa) also becomes an issue, but only very late game.
Remove cybran strat stealth. Omni range is too short to prevent these being repeatedley massed for snipes.
Buff radar intel range (1.5?)
Buff all scout unit vision, radar, omni ranges significantly (1.5?)
Buff naval speed globally? 20%?. Battleships should not take 12 mins to arrive to combat. This could have implications with naval micro, but at the larger scales seen on the larger maps may be less important?
Does anyone have any other changes? again, trying to change as little as possible.