DDDX RPG survival (map and mod)
Hey I'm loving the map and game mode but I seem to be running into an issue where the game freezes about 20 minutes in. Are there any mods I should not be running with this map? Aside from the required mods I'm running particles 10% and Simspeed ++
@mitchbear7 next time that happens, pause the fame, press f9 and only select the WARNINGS tab
Look at the last warning before waves stopped, it should be an error regarding the file DDDX_RPG_survival_script.lua file (because that's the one spawning stuff,doing the timer etc...This can give you an idea what did what.
10% particles - I have never gotten this one to run propperly with my map, simply too aggressive, too many things overwritten.
Keep in mind that some units or weapons or abilities have a big number of effects to them, in my mod but also TMayhem.
Look at cybran t1 hydrocarbon perimiter monitoring station, for example.I would avoid the 10% particles mod completely.
Use SUM speed,that one seems to help a lot.Also, there are currently several issues with the map, some of them my fault (nuke subs misbehaving and slowing things down) as well as FAFs fault (bad projectiles for some Blackops units after FAF update).
I am aware of the issues and will fix for v159, and the Blackops team is on top of the other problem.
Ty for the feedback, tell me more
Oof - fafs vault
@DDDX thanks a lot for getting back to me. I'll certainly keep that in mind and look at it in more detail next time I run it!
Version 159 coming in as soon as the FAF Development team patches the antitele towers issue with INSIGNIFICANTUNIT category.
Should be today, maybe tomorrow. Soon, anyways.Below is a detailed list a list of changes for v159, also in the CHANGES file inside the mod.
Most important changes is that the mod is reworked to not contain any Blackops assets (for the rest i've gotten permission from mod makers).
WARNING: because of that, the map/mod now need extra mods (but only downloaded, no need to enable them)
- Xtreme Wars
- Harryvk21s Naval Pack
if you experience desyncs at the start of the game, it's probably because you have not downloaded those 2. Make sure upon hosting that all players have these mods, and the desync and missing meshes for units should be no more
Next, added a Legendary class of units. They are essentially tier 5 - very strong, but only one can be made by the entire team. So do not waste resources making more, you will just lose them.
Aeon have a massive shield with a larger area than the Aurora, and insane power requirement (adjecancy does reduce it)!
Cybran have a very powerful megabot that also cloaks allies around it
Sera have a regeneration field turret that also provides some defensive capabilities
UEF has a modified Novax that automatically builds sattelites as long as it's alive. No need for a picture.
Only the chosen faction can make a Legendary unit of its race, even if you have engineers of other factions (so, only Aeon can make Aeon Legendary, only Sera can make a Sera Legendary...). Let me know if the "only one" rule can be exploited/broken.Zombies. New main mission, has a 30% chance to trigger
Above: an idyllic picture of a peaceful zombified village. FU**ING KILL IT WITH FIRE ASAP!!!!!
Next, reworked the teleporting SACUs so that they actually teleport. This means that they can be stopped using antiteleport towers. And right you are to do so, for the SACUs grow in numbers, strength, and even bring experimentals over time to teleport in the middle of your base!
New AA optionsSo that the Aeon and their Sky trackers are not the only go-to solution.
AANG stands for Anti Air Non Guided. They are very fast, fire and forget, antiboss-class anti air rockets of extreme range, but can only be built on hydrocarbon deposits. Good vs CZARS, bad vs bombers, because of god awfull turret turning and no guidance of missiles.
Heavy AA cruiser for Sera, submersible.
Uef have had the Horizon experimental buffed in ragne and damage to be better suited for anti air, and Aeon...they're good
Here's a list of all major changes:
- Made the starting dialogue, battle, and mid base optional in settings -can be reduced or turned off completely
- Added reinforcement waves as an option under "Extra defences".
- Added a 4.th main mission type - Zombies. Triggers in place of the Gateway mission, if randomly chosen (2/7th chance to get picked).
--WARNING! ZOMBIE HABITATS WILL LAG THE GAME SIGNIFICANTLY IF LEFT UNKILLED FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!! - Reworked the teleSACU script so that they actually teleport in our bases - can be countered with antitele towers finally. Increased the area where they spawn, gave them enhancements over time, and even experimentals that teleport in near endgame unless you make antitele towers.
- Opened path to Allied Paragon so it can be reached by foot and repaired to give us a Palace shield -if difficulty is 30+
- Cleared up terrain around transport paths to allow for making distant AA outposts to take transports out before they have a chance to land - or even some Gateways!
- Raised mountains around some farther mexes to prevent them from getting hit by arty in yet unopened parts of the map.
Increased props around the starting area and the map in general (for visual appeal), added more mexes and hydros to the edges of the map - to make transport paths areas more appealing for colonisation. - Added more Mexes in the far south to reward expansion there
- Fixed Naval factories event not triggering unit spawn if it was chosen as an active event
- Fixed Paragon nuking triggering always, regardless if we made a Paragon -no more nuke subs nuking at min 25
- Fixed Paragon nuking script giving nukes to dead subs, and locking subs in place, messing up SIM speed
- Reduced Antitele structure HP to make it easier to kill and free up teleporting, reduced field range drastically, but increased antitele numbers around the map (field range is now 120, that's slightly less than an Avalanche beetlebot range)
- Nerfed all mission transport HP, removed Fire and Doom beetles from cargo to prevent friendly fire
- Reduced transport numbers if extra transport mission is selected (max 14 per side, with 6 players, more if pl 7 is in game)
- Made all allied and enemy minibosses have varied hp based on difficulty
- Added Legendary units and build restrictions for them - only one allowed per entire team!
- Added new anti-air options (t3 AA cruiser for Sera, buffed Horizon exp damage and range for UEF, hydrocarbon Antiboss rocket instalation for Cybran )
- Nerfed Raw Omega air damage
Removed a bunch of warnings for drones and events to speed up sim speed - Nerfed Aeon Alpha lvl 1 hp, buffed lvl 3 slightly
- Fixed Aeon Alpha lvl 3 getting free nukes with nuke enhancement
- Fixed Aeon Alpha lvl 2 and 3 not being able to make Sky Tracker with air enhancements
- Fixed Aeon lvl 3-4-5 naval weapons range bug
- Gave rapid fire anti fighter missiles (Shaddower missile) to Aeon hero lvls 4 and 5 with some enhancements.
- Nerfed Cybran hero lvl 3-4-5 long range weapon (less damage, slower fire), fixed Rail gun pitch
- Buffed all lvl 1 Alphas mass production to allow for faster starting upgrades and less time wasted on getting them.
- Gave Silencer turret weapon enhancements
- Nerfed Duke and Count (mini CZARS) land damage, HP, air crash damage, and slowed down spawn rate by +10 seconds
- Nerfed Carrier shield - +20 sec for shield to recharge, - 10.000 hp to Carrier hull. Fixed the unkillable Carrier bug.
- Reduced Carrier movement speed, reduced Interceptor turret damage, crash damage
- Reduced the mind control chance of nanite projectiles for Cybran heroes.
- Added a bunch of missing icons and unit descriptions.
- Fixed issues with Aeon hero Stinkfly drones not getting upgrades when hero gets enhancements for them.
...and a bunch more...
can you add those into the map/mod description?
i mean the additional mods -
@rezy-noob yup, did. Needs to be upoloaded to the Vault, though - waiting on FAF to reverse some changes that broke some mods first
v160 uploaded to the Vault. Minor fixes and balances, with one notable exception - created teleport buildings for heroes to quickly reach other parts of the map.
For more details check the starting post or the Changes.txt file inside the Balance mod
v162 is out. A small patch, Icons and visuals for various missions , and bugfixes + balances. Details are in the Changes.txt inside the balance mod
Patch 162
Added Mission icons
Fixed some missions triggering even though you've selected to have no missionsMod:
Further optimised code to increase stability, mostly on Carriers
Reduced Carriers numbers in waves
Halved their drones, from 8 to 4, but buffed drones hp and damage to compensate
Nerfed Cybran heroes Rail gun damages by 20%
Further nerfed Aeon heroes OC damage, buffed starting AA weapons
Fixed not having Sky trackers buildable from drone enhancements for lvl 2 and 3 Aeon hero
Nerfed Aeon hero lvl 3-4-5 lasers damage, buffed lvl 2 laser dmg
Further nerfed Aeon hero Overcharges
Buffed Aeon heroes starting AA missiles
Hi DDDX, thank you for this great mod! One question regarding the Player_1 slot, is it required to fill this either with a human player or an AI? We experienced that the mod wouldn't work (showing the complete map with red units etc) if we leave this slot empty.
@bvh which mod was that?
If player_1 spot is empty, then it spawns an AI version of the hero, after a while - starts at level 3 (not 1), is a lot stronger (more upgrades and buffs) and can be controlled by the defenders in the same manner as was the case with Brackman's Megalith in the SupCom mission.
As far as I know, there should not be anything to interfere with other mods, specific to player 1 being present or absent...
@dddx I start the DDDX RPG survival map v162 with the following mods active and updated via de faf client to their latest versions:
- BlackOps FAF: Unleashed
- Survival Mayhem&BO balance
- Total Mayhem
The other mods that are downloaded but not selected:
- BlackOps FAF: ACUs
- BlackOps FAF: ExUnits
- Extreme wars
Other settings:
Auto teams: Top versus Bottom
One player at position 2If I start the following screen shows with the warning in the minimap
But if I add an Aix player or a friend to positon one it all works correctly.
Maybe someone can test this on their own pc? -
sorry mate, could not recreate it.
Used same 3 mods, one player at pos 2, no problems there.
You should see the log and find out why the main script file failedit will be under a "WARNING: failed to load DDDX_RPG_Survival_script.lua" (look for something like that and see where it went wrong, or better yet send me in a message
Hey, just tested the survival. Either after 4 or 5 waves no more units spawn (its always either 4 or 5). Also, is it intended that the Top slot is allied, but can't control the "survival units"?
You need to see the log. If waves stop spawning that means you are missing some mods - they look for a unit that is not there.
Or some similar error inside the main script (DDDX_RPG_survival_script.lua file)And no, player 7 was never intended to control attacking units. How would that work exactly? You could just wait a bit then send in all of them at once, that would be extremely difficult to counter.
i have the following mods enabled: Surivaval Mayhem&BO balance + BlackOps FAF: ACUs + BlackOps FAF: Unleashed. The mod extreme wars is downloaded but not activated. Is that correct?
As to the unit controlling... I saw that in a different survival map and was just wondering if its the same here -
dude...you are missing the biggest mod of them all. And the one that uses the most units in waves. Total mayhem.
Oh sorry, forgot about that, had that enabled aswell
@DDDX I keep trying to host this, but it never launches, Can you list exactly the mods that should be enabled and no more?
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0067aa5f
attempted to read memory at 0x00000000Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\Users\mwest\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_16712202.log /gpgnet /mean 756.126 /deviation 129.593 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country US /clan FC /numgames 65 /numgames 63Callstack:
Unknown symbol (address 0x0067aa5f)Last 100 lines of log...
warning: Error running OnDamage script in Entity uab5101 at 28145408: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): attempt to call method
GetArmy' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): in function <...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua:4562> [C]: in function
...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua(24): in function <...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua:22>
warning: Error running OnDamage script in Entity uab5101 at 2d390108: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): attempt to call methodGetArmy' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): in function <...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua:4562> [C]: in function
...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua(24): in function <...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua:22>
warning: Error running OnDamage script in Entity uab5101 at 27a61408: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): attempt to call methodGetArmy' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): in function <...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua:4562> [C]: in function
...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua(24): in function <...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua:22>
warning: Error running OnDamage script in Entity uab5101 at 52bd3308: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): attempt to call methodGetArmy' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): in function <...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua:4562> [C]: in function
...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua(24): in function <...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua:22>
warning: Error running OnDamage script in Entity uab5101 at 2885e908: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): attempt to call methodGetArmy' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua(4564): in function <...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\sim\unit.lua:4562> [C]: in function
...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua(24): in function <...ance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\sim\defaultdamage.lua:22>
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x02000010 from Bobbylighhht because it is already in use.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c3b) supplied in a pose update.
warning: Checksum for beat 13050 mismatched: fa9070a2c7fadb1521748bc66b4e00cf (sim) != 4345d6e5476dee70806b1998fd3258a0 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13050 mismatched: fa9070a2c7fadb1521748bc66b4e00cf (sim) != 9b05cdafaf126db5e9ea3f7d99ca5d5f (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Checksum for beat 13050 mismatched: fa9070a2c7fadb1521748bc66b4e00cf (sim) != c9d007eea2631992fbc853ce0f96c648 (Orco_143).
warning: Checksum for beat 13050 mismatched: fa9070a2c7fadb1521748bc66b4e00cf (sim) != 9b05cdafaf126db5e9ea3f7d99ca5d5f (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13054 tick 1305.5003662109
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 2
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 2
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1
warning: Checksum for beat 13100 mismatched: d15c02b9246a810ead2117293855e95c (sim) != d2eaad209b47b94037bc94b0978cbd3f (Orco_143).
warning: Desync at beat 13103 tick 1310.4105224609
warning: Checksum for beat 13100 mismatched: d15c02b9246a810ead2117293855e95c (sim) != 7389b2f7459cd2ae0a072f2a97815383 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13100 mismatched: d15c02b9246a810ead2117293855e95c (sim) != 0c776a6915f287804af5cb1e32a5ca04 (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Checksum for beat 13100 mismatched: d15c02b9246a810ead2117293855e95c (sim) != 0c776a6915f287804af5cb1e32a5ca04 (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13104 tick 1310.5056152344
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x01000013 from Torrasque because it is already in use.
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x03000010 from Orco_143 because it is already in use.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff002db) supplied in a pose update.
warning: Checksum for beat 13150 mismatched: 372ca4c34ac31f22d2531460f910ae3d (sim) != 11a4f2094159f55831b6b3782b7f4294 (Orco_143).
warning: Desync at beat 13152 tick 1315.3104248047
warning: Checksum for beat 13150 mismatched: 372ca4c34ac31f22d2531460f910ae3d (sim) != d46f28a6773cf97ca6bc96979ed092b7 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13150 mismatched: 372ca4c34ac31f22d2531460f910ae3d (sim) != 2d70cb7acce28bb48650f3e1e91f5e60 (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Desync at beat 13153 tick 1315.4044189453
warning: Checksum for beat 13150 mismatched: 372ca4c34ac31f22d2531460f910ae3d (sim) != 2d70cb7acce28bb48650f3e1e91f5e60 (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13154 tick 1315.5102539063
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x01000023 from Torrasque because it is already in use.
debug: Current gametime: 00:22:00
warning: Checksum for beat 13200 mismatched: e91965eae2c23061ecc8be3294035e94 (sim) != 501e51785015e85b2dd05cb514a03e26 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13200 mismatched: e91965eae2c23061ecc8be3294035e94 (sim) != 682ec9f49a61f0cc9041e7525fb34c11 (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Checksum for beat 13200 mismatched: e91965eae2c23061ecc8be3294035e94 (sim) != 9a1d66ccc5d27d4b05420b822e601b3a (Orco_143).
warning: Checksum for beat 13200 mismatched: e91965eae2c23061ecc8be3294035e94 (sim) != 682ec9f49a61f0cc9041e7525fb34c11 (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13204 tick 1320.5130615234
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x04000000 from raz2ser because it is already in use.
info: UI_Lua import("/lua/ui/game/ping.lua").DoPing("attack")
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x04000001 from raz2ser because it is already in use.
warning: Checksum for beat 13250 mismatched: bcb54ee0ef58c3fb9afa2b3e30fe0c06 (sim) != e165b75d2444ed732faa4edf5d60087e (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13250 mismatched: bcb54ee0ef58c3fb9afa2b3e30fe0c06 (sim) != 6f71a32ea0c14e85a744f539fbdaa073 (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Checksum for beat 13250 mismatched: bcb54ee0ef58c3fb9afa2b3e30fe0c06 (sim) != e96f75e857be1bd9563faa19b0a41fb0 (Orco_143).
warning: Checksum for beat 13250 mismatched: bcb54ee0ef58c3fb9afa2b3e30fe0c06 (sim) != 6f71a32ea0c14e85a744f539fbdaa073 (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13254 tick 1325.5114746094
warning: Desync at beat 13255 tick 1325.6032714844
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 2
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 2
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 2
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 2
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1
info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1
warning: Checksum for beat 13300 mismatched: 54cf527163ede1b739be8b6948fa861c (sim) != c8fa2c8cbb31dce83006ce4feaec30a2 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13300 mismatched: 54cf527163ede1b739be8b6948fa861c (sim) != 039c645fadda8267ea42a90230f0951e (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Checksum for beat 13300 mismatched: 54cf527163ede1b739be8b6948fa861c (sim) != 6ba54783f50ab5c02dbac7591c8fdddb (Orco_143).
warning: Checksum for beat 13300 mismatched: 54cf527163ede1b739be8b6948fa861c (sim) != 039c645fadda8267ea42a90230f0951e (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13306 tick 1330.7103271484
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x01000006 from Torrasque because it is already in use.
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x02000001 from Bobbylighhht because it is already in use.
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x03000011 from Orco_143 because it is already in use.
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x03000016 from Orco_143 because it is already in use.
warning: Checksum for beat 13350 mismatched: 7890e498e5b8173ff0d732af35c420e8 (sim) != 008b6c0c72be6ed54d824f9133becd04 (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Checksum for beat 13350 mismatched: 7890e498e5b8173ff0d732af35c420e8 (sim) != 008b6c0c72be6ed54d824f9133becd04 (raz2ser).
warning: Desync at beat 13353 tick 1335.4090576172
warning: Checksum for beat 13350 mismatched: 7890e498e5b8173ff0d732af35c420e8 (sim) != bae3967319fcd6b3352a27725bfe8cf7 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13350 mismatched: 7890e498e5b8173ff0d732af35c420e8 (sim) != 3d1dbe44d0dd27ee7db604c1e346b868 (Orco_143).
warning: Desync at beat 13354 tick 1335.5131835938
warning: IssueCommand: ignoring issue of cmd id 0x03000017 from Orco_143 because it is already in use.
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
warning: Connection dialogue opening due to disconnection by players:
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: send Ptr: 6BEE0002
info: terminated
info: Sending game result: 5 defeat -10
info: SSB >>> TRACE GameResults: result = defeat -10, armyID = 5, name = raz2ser
info: SSB >>> TRACE GameResults: raz2ser has been defeated by civilian
warning: Error running lua command: ...aforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\ui\game\gameresult.lua(200): Attempt to set attribute '5' on nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in functionerror' ...alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\system\config.lua(12): in function <...alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd\lua\system\config.lua:11> ...aforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\ui\game\gameresult.lua(200): in function
...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\usersync.lua(222): in function <...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\usersync.lua:124>
...gramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\usersync.lua(407): in functionOnSync' [string "OnSync()"](1): in main chunk info: SSB >>> TRACE OnBeat() player has died: raz2ser info: UI_ApplySelectionSet 1 warning: Error running lua script: ...ance\hook\units\zombies\brl0307z\brl0307z_script.lua(51): Game object has been destroyed stack traceback: [C]: in function
...ance\hook\units\zombies\brl0307z\brl0307z_script.lua(51): in function <...ance\hook\units\zombies\brl0307z\brl0307z_script.lua:49>
warning: Checksum for beat 13400 mismatched: 999498b92d8007c090a65d35ce336284 (sim) != d9d6e3b09ab2c8f92b306d2e59804099 (Orco_143).
warning: Desync at beat 13403 tick 1340.4055175781
warning: Checksum for beat 13400 mismatched: 999498b92d8007c090a65d35ce336284 (sim) != 2d997978166ee7c34e1a4ffa3f11f3ae (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Desync at beat 13404 tick 1340.5130615234
warning: Checksum for beat 13400 mismatched: 999498b92d8007c090a65d35ce336284 (sim) != 2dd4ac0c7e928ef3a28ef445c641138a (Torrasque).
warning: Desync at beat 13405 tick 1340.6057128906
warning: Checksum for beat 13450 mismatched: 25f49a51085023afc8529d7ba10b302d (sim) != 9011e3a5726e2a1d77c82db92519caf6 (Orco_143).
warning: Desync at beat 13454 tick 1345.5119628906
warning: Checksum for beat 13450 mismatched: 25f49a51085023afc8529d7ba10b302d (sim) != 67d8d7eb169870c3565eec2142c03568 (Torrasque).
warning: Checksum for beat 13450 mismatched: 25f49a51085023afc8529d7ba10b302d (sim) != 6360641dfaf63df910b7499def74d4fe (Bobbylighhht).
warning: Desync at beat 13455 tick 1345.6025390625Please advise @DDDX