TMM Pool Thread History and Feedback
For the TMM matchmaker pools going forward, I will leave this thread open to comments and suggestions, updating only the first post with each monthly release so the full history can be shown on one page.
In addition, I had added a brief "Thought Process" column to the pool listing so people can know why something was used. This mostly concerns maps labeled "experimental" where feedback is scarce, indicating the map is chosen due to scarcity of selections, and to throw curveballs into diversity.
The map pool will ideally be released a couple days before the update so any final changes can be made without disrupting the scheduled time of use.
Let me also state that limiting new maps by 1-2 each cycle seems to be the most popular response received when I asked "how many new maps is too little, too many - when applicable - for matchmaker pools?"
October 2021 TMM Pool
September 2021 TMM Pool