Mod request: fix control group behavior

Control groups in this game are nearly useless, because of their strange behavior. Imo the control groups should work the same way as they do in sc2 and aoe2 among others. I would like to eg. use control groups for factories so that I can easily set rally points, find engi factories, etc.

  • Control groups should be unique (no unit should be allowed to be in 2 control groups at once). If an unit that is already in a control group is added to another control group, it should be removed from the previous control group.
  • Shift+12345679 should add current selection to control group rather than add control group to current selection
  • double tap delay threshold needs to be lowered (when you double tap control group selection hotkey it centers the camera on that control group). Currently for some reason it's even beyond grandmother level at like 1sec+
  • double tap shouldn't adjust zoom level (there's already a mod for this that is not in the vault: "Control Group Zoom Mod" by Softly, but it doesn't work for "select only factories from group x", although that particular hotkey shouldn't be necessary anyway once the next point is fixed...)
  • when there are factories in a control group the units that are produced from that factory should not be added to the control group

That should be about it, though I'll add more if I can think of anything.

  • Control groups should be unique (no unit should be allowed to be in 2 control groups at once). If an unit that is already in a control group is added to another control group, it should be removed from the previous control group.
  • Shift+12345679 should add current selection to control group rather than add control group to current selection

i made a mod for turin that adds such hotkeys, but i don't recall if i ever uploaded it on faf. since the forum does not allow zips:

  • double tap shouldn't adjust zoom level (there's already a mod for this that is not in the vault: "Control Group Zoom Mod" by Softly, but it doesn't work for "select only factories from group x", although that particular hotkey shouldn't be necessary anyway once the next point is fixed...)

iirc addtional camera stuff v3.3 allows you to set a zoom level on double click (and triple click). not exactly what you want, but maybe better than the current situation

<-- washy

Thanks, this is pretty promising! However it's not perfect 😞

  • There is no "Set control group and remove from other control groups", only "Add"
  • doubletap delay, doubletap zoom level, factory control grouping thing