Open Training Session w/ Tagada


I would like to announce that I will start hosting regular Open Training Sessions that everyone can join and learn together how to better play this awesome game. The training will focus on 1vs1 play and will take place in a form of replay review where I will be going over replays submitted by the players participating in the training. Anyone is welcome to join and participate, there are no rating restrictions.

Next Training Session - TBD

It will be hosted on the Official Discord channel in the Open-Training Voice channel.
Official FAF Discord:

The training will be also streamed on my Twitch channel :

The previous training sessions that took place can be viewed on my YT channel:
The most recent one is often a VOD on my twitch channel.

What kind of replay should you submit and how to do it:

  • Make sure it's a 1vs1 replay, either ladder or custom 1vs1
  • Games shorter than 30 min are preferred ( if it's longer then we may watch only a part of it due to time constraints)
  • I would prefer to review games of players that have at least 600 ladder rating since there are excellent guides (linked below) explaining the ABC's of FAF that will teach you better than I can over voice

If your replay meets these requirements please submit it through discord DM : Tagada#7635
Include your FAF name the replay ID that can be found in the replay vault, the length of the game, and your ladder rating.

Links to excellent guides :
The FAF Guide going over all the ABC's of FA :

Love it, jaggeds replay review shows tons of stuff for people to learn

Hey Tagada, are you by any chance hosting another open training session tomorrow on Thursday the 2nd at 16:00 GMT in the FAF discord?

That's what the post says right?🤔

Yes, but edits don't show up under "recent" and don't notify the post watchers, so without a new reply, nobody will know

Hey Tagada have you any videos you can upload to your youtube channel? Only the one video there so far, thanks!

I needed to move the Training Session to Friday, sorry for any inconvenience.