Questions about performance
Thank you for sharing it, this is a known issue and is being solved
edit: it is the same issue described here:
And the source is found.
TOP und viel Erfolg.
@Jip In , somebody said that the explosions from UEF T2 Destroyer shots looked like the ones from a battleship. Might apply to UEF T2 PD, too.
Yes - that is part of the change by @keyser if I am correct. It is intended, to give the unit more 'wow'.
I didn't change the explosion fx, just the decals
I'll look into that too tonight
On another note: a milestone! The benchmark map that we'll use is made by Marlo and has recently been finished! You can find the trailer here:
The trailer was made on the regular branch. As you can see the game starts to stutter more and more as it continuous. Our job is done when we can record this trailer with no stutters at all.
Upcoming Sunday (yes - it got moved slightly) the new patch will be live! This means that we're merging the develop branch with the standard branch that everyone plays by default, including ladder.
Soon after new PRs will merge into the develop branch with more optimizations and features. You can read up about some of them in this post or by checking the pull requests on Github. Please keep playing the develop branch as it provides us with important feedback on whether the changes help and are appreciated in general. It is a solid approach to contributing to FAF while literally just playing the game and reporting back.
As an example, with thanks to @WhenDayBreaks and @snagglefox some critical errors were found and fixed, including a few that were present in the standard branch too. The ping-preventing code got re-implemented and is now the same as you had before, but without the ability to abuse it in the name of someone else as easily. I can keep going with examples - know that your feedback is appreciated and I hope you all keep them coming in the future.
And with the patch live we continue: debris is now significantly cheaper on the sim and available on FAF develop. Up to the degree that they have essentially no impact on it anymore! This should speed up the game during battles as that is when a lot of debris is made in general. See also this pull request for more information.
Overall - please keep playing FAF Develop as you have done previously. The input you provide is appreciated and is important to us and for us to make sure everything is stable.
Thanks to the whole team for all the work on this!
@jip Today #15350662 enemy GC dies leaves no reclaim
#15351245 game hard crashed for me, not even control alt delete or alt f4 worked -
i'm pushing an hotfix rn to fix the GC not dying
@jip selecting units, drag selecting
Do you have the exception code? And a game log?
@jip well the game just completely froze my windows i had to press the turn off botton and i dont know how to get the game log.
@jip game_15351245.log that´s a lot of text how do i send to you? email?
You can find me on Discord.
I am running a test game next
Saturday the 25th 20:00 GMT +2. I am looking for volunteers to help with this. The game should be balanced: it should represent a typical seton game that slows down at some point. Please contact me on Discord if you have time and interest in joining in. I suspect the minimal rating will be about 1200+ as the game needs to be balanceable.The aim of the session is to:
- Attach the profiler to the game - this requires a sim mod to function properly. Therefore the game will be unranked. With this data I can view what happens throughout the game and how often certain functions are called. This will help us focus our attention to the things that matter most.
- CTRL + K everything right before the game ends to see if there is any memory / performance leaking happening.
@jip if I’m in town and online I’ll help with this