@corvathranoob said
So yeah, it's not "politics" so much as only caring about your own preferences and ignoring the issues that are extremely important to many others. No surprise there.
Askaholic gave you two reasons and you latched onto the second one and completely ignored the first one. Also it is just a reality that people tend to work on stuff that personally bothers them, or that they find interesting. You may not like it, but this is just the reality of voluntary projects.
Let's dispense with this notion that the developers are sacrosanct and cannot be criticized for any reason simply because they are contributing without pay, especially if their contributions aren't what other people really care about.
Nobody said any of this. Jip just stated that we don't get paid. You added all of the above yourself.
"Oh, doesn't count because it's wasn't on, ok it was, but for some reason was removed from the feedback forum poll a few years ago."
No. The map veto feature was removed from the client. No suggestions were removed from the feedback site.
Why do you just dismiss that the site clearly shows that many people found other features more important?
LOL, saying your response was disingenuous isn't toxicity. I personally find dishonesty far more toxic than simply speaking the truth.
You didn't speak the truth. You misrepresented the arguments given. I don't say that you did this on purpose, but if you are convinced from the start that the devs are shitheads, so much that it impairs your ability to see statements for what they are, then this discussion is pointless.
To move the actual topic forward:
One of the reasons that the map veto is not implemented yet is that it is a complicated feature. It needs changes in the client and the server and the details are not yet fleshed out.
I encourage everyone to work on making a fleshed out concept that describes the map veto in detail.
Here are some questions to get you started: How many maps should you be able to veto? Does it increase with pool size? How does vetoing work with the team matchmakers? How will the UI look like? Will your veto choices be stored? If yes, how?
You don't need coding experience to do this. I still encourage you to work this out together with some devs that can give input on how feasible your ideas would be.