I appreciate you can have your own thoughts on this but for you to shit on me for wanting to take such a strong stance is confusing to me.
I'm not "shitting" on you. You just suggest that an online game take these things more seriously than one of the most politically correct organisations in the world. It is absolutely baffling and makes no sense.
Savagely punishing those who act with savage hate should be a no brainer.
You propose disproportionate punishments. They commit quite minor offences and deserve every chance to learn that that is not what we do here at FAF before they face consequences more severe than a court of law ever would give them. A lifetime sentence for two uses of a word...?
The current system exist yes but I don't think it is enough for this specific issue.
Why else would you want to defend such actions
These actions are already against the rules. And this is precisely what I meant when I said political correctness is a drain to even hear about. All this energy I have wasted when the rules already deal with the issue. The issue here was that you didn't know about the moderation / reporting options. Now that you do you can employ them.
I will continue to report all infractions of this nature that I see
Good. I appreciate that. Nobody wants this stuff, we just don't want to lifetime ban people who will most likely stop doing it with a warning. It's unfair and it's inhumane.
but I will never have empathy for people who act this way and am shocked you would make such a suggestion.
Your claim to supporting human rights is a facade when you abandon the most basic empathy and don't even attempt to understand your fellow human beings. You desire control. This has nothing to do with 'human rights'.
I give up, just delete this post. I got my answer on where FAF stands on this issue......
W-what? How did you arrive at that conclusion?
They appear to be radicalised and so any criticism at all results in an outburst. The politically correct have learned that this kind of pressure they place people under can work in the real world sometimes and they can gain control of their fellow humans.
To be clear, I support you reporting this stuff and I support the current rules. The moderation team do an excellent job. I hope you keep playing the game and participating in the community. My worry is that you're so radicalised or programmed to react this way that you'd rather leave if we don't permaban people for a mere two infractions. Now that is a shame.