I don't get these arguments about "the developers intended it a certain way". You can't know that. Also the developers weren't exactly pros at the game so you shouldn't read too much into the original balance. It seems a bit farfetched to say that every unit stat was carefully designed when there were serious imbalances on the last official version.
Also I don't really understand what you would like to change.
@moses_the_red said in I think the relationship between T3 land and experimentals should be re-examined.:
Experimentals were always a major risk to build, because they were under-powered by design. If your experimental was delayed and your opponent gained enough production to match it, then it would die to significantly fewer units than it cost to build in the first place, and your opponent would get its mass as reclaim. They weren't units that you built on a whim, there was real risk in building them.
This gave T4 units a role that didn't step on the role of T3 land. They served two major roles that were related. First, they could be used as a sucker punch against opponents that weren't scouting effectively. Secondly, in the event of a significant influx of reclaim mass after a battle, they were an effective way to quickly put that reclaim to good use.
Do you think it leads to good gameplay if you could build an experimental in a minute again?
How does an experimental punish an enemy that is not scouting more than any other threat that he also wouldn't see? You say there is a real risk in building them, but what is the reward? Why would I ever build a significantly underpowered unit?
The only scenario I see here is if you fucked up and did not scale your buildpower properly. This means in high level play we would never see the use of experimentals. (Except maybe as a meme unit to flex on the enemy).
So in conclusion the current role of experimentals seems a lot better to me?