Need some help on modding functions

Where can I learn more about these functions as listed below of a lua file. I have total zero knowledge of modding.

Example I like to learn more about the functions
(1) For index
(2) unit:GetStat
(3) unit:GetBlueprint
(4) unit:IsInCategory
(5) unitname

Below is an incomplete lua file of Autorename. The original author is "Cobrand".

function RenameVet()
for index, unit in allUnits do
local Ukills = unit:GetStat('KILLS', 0).Value
if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 and Ukills != 0 and ( unit:GetCustomName(unit) == nil or unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true ) then
local unitname = unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName
local newName
local temptable ;
if unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true then
if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
newName = "<[["..username.."]]>"
elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
newName = "[["..username.."]]"
elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
newName = "<["..username.."]>"
elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
newName = "["..username.."]"
elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
newName = "<"..username..">"
newName = username

Well - it's a long road to drive thru if you don't have some coding background.

For index is a looping structure that will go from the top of the table allUnits - to the bottom - one at a time.

unit:GetBlueprint() is a function which retrieves the blueprint data for the unit - drilling down in the blueprint specifically thru the General table (a specific part of the blueprint data) and looking for variable UnitName

Every unit has multiple categories specified in it's blueprint which determine what kind of a unit it might be - in the case of your code, it's trying to find only COMMAND units - so only the ACU will be found like this.

Depending upon which veteran level the ACU is at, the code appears to be creating a variable called newName - which is comprised of some symbols (<, [ - with the players name sandwiched inbetween.

And that's about it.

It appears to be looking at the number of kills to determine veterancy. (I say "appears" because I have no idea if "UKills" represents the number of kills by that particular unit, or if it represents some other value, such as the mass value of units killed.)

A long, long time ago veterancy level was determined based on the number of kills. That's not how FAF does it now. So this might be some really old code, or it might be unused code, or it might be non-FAF code.

Please post code with code tags:

function RenameVet()
    for index, unit in allUnits do
        local Ukills = unit:GetStat('KILLS', 0).Value
        if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 and Ukills != 0 and ( unit:GetCustomName(unit) == nil or unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true ) then
            local unitname = unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName
            local newName
            local temptable ;
            if unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true then
                if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
                    newName = "<[["..username.."]]>"
                elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
                    newName = "[["..username.."]]"
                elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
                    newName = "<["..username.."]>"
                elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
                    newName = "["..username.."]"
                elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
                    newName = "<"..username..">"
                    newName = username
for index, unit in allUnits do


This is a loop. It will loop over every entry inside the table allUnits and save it into unit
So you can access every unit inside the table allUnits

Lets say you create an table with 3 words:

    [1] = "Hallo",
    ['A'] = "12345",
    [2] = "ABCDE",

now you are looping over the table:

for index, word in WORDS do
    LOG('index: '..index)
    LOG('word: '..word)

you will get this output:

index: 1
word: Hallo
index: A
word: 12345
index: 2
word: ABCDE

local Ukills = unit:GetStat('KILLS', 0).Value

This will get the number of kills of this unit.
You can set this value with unit:SetStat('KILLS', unitKills)
In base game this function is only used for killstatistics.
There is nothing else saved in there


This will get you the blueprint of an unit.
Here an example for an unit blueprint:


This will get the value inside Level4, that is part of the table Veteran inside the unit blueprint here:

So unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 will get the number 360


This will check the blueprint category table and search for a match.
Here is a ACU blueprint, with a matching category entry:

unitname = unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName

This will get the unitname saved inside the unitblueprint from here:
Have in mind you need to remove the Translation TAG (with LOC() )before you can use this name:

unitname = LOC( unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName )

Finally this will rename a unit


I have some BASIC and AUTOLISP programming knowledge. I have in fact many years ago programmed a Tetris game using BASIC language and Pac-man game using AUTOLISP language.
But the codes for SCFA game looked very different from what I have learned.
(1) Is there anywhere I could get some lectures or lessons from anywhere online to learn more about these functions.
(2) What coding language do they use for SCFA game ?

It started when I found that there is no way of sharing template between 2 profile name becos I wanted to use a newer profile name but found out that the template created by previous profile cannot be shared by newer profile name.
So I went online to find something that can rename my profile but instead found this.

A mod that rename the unit, coded by Cobrand.

Wow, thanks for the in-depth explanation. You must be the moderator for this website site.

After reading your explanation now I have some idea how these codes work.

Is there anywhere I could learn all functions of this language. LOL, I don't even know what language this is called. It looked so foreign to me compare to other programming languages.
Many thanks for the in-depth explanation.

The complete code of autorename.lua

local NameTable = import("/mods/Veterename/tables.lua").GetTable()
local allUnits = {} ;
local username = nil ;

function UpdateAllUnits()
    -- Add unit being built by others
    for _, unit in allUnits do
		if not unit:IsDead() and unit:GetFocus() and not unit:GetFocus():IsDead() then
			allUnits[unit:GetFocus():GetEntityId()] = unit:GetFocus()
	-- Remove dead
	for entityid, unit in allUnits do
		if unit:IsDead() then
			allUnits[entityid] = nil

function RenameVet()
        for index, unit in allUnits do
            local Ukills = unit:GetStat('KILLS', 0).Value
            if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 and Ukills != 0 and ( unit:GetCustomName(unit) == nil or unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true ) then
                local unitname = unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName
                local newName
                local temptable ;
                if unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
                        newName = "<[["..username.."]]>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
                        newName = "[["..username.."]]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
                        newName = "<["..username.."]>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
                        newName = "["..username.."]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
                        newName = "<"..username..">"
                        newName = username
                    if unit:IsInCategory('EXPERIMENTAL') then
                        if unit:IsInCategory('UEF') then
                            temptable = NameTable.UEFT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('CYBRAN') then
                            temptable = NameTable.CybranT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('AEON') then
                            temptable = NameTable.AeonT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('SERAPHIM') then
                            temptable = NameTable.SeraphimT4table
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('DEFENSE') then 
                        temptable = NameTable.Defense 
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('STRUCTURE') then
                        temptable = NameTable.Structures
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('BATTLESHIP') == true or unit:IsInCategory('BATTLECRUISER') then
                        temptable = NameTable.BNaval
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('NAVAL') then
                        temptable = NameTable.Naval
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('AIR') and unit:IsInCategory('GROUNDATTACK') then
                        temptable = NameTable.Gunships
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('AIR') then
                        temptable = NameTable.AirTable
                        temptable = NameTable.Default
                    if temptable != nil then
                        newName = temptable[math.random(table.getsize (temptable) )]
                if newName != nil then

-- ForkThread
function Repeat()
    -- this piece of code will actually select units at the beginning of the game
    -- every other unit is eventually created by other units at some point, hence we are adding them via that way
    local selection = GetSelectedUnits()
    UISelectionByCategory("ALLUNITS", false, false, false, false)
    for _, unit in (GetSelectedUnits() or {}) do
        username = unit:GetCustomName(unit);
		allUnits[unit:GetEntityId()] = unit
    SelectUnits(selection); -- select back what was previously selected
	while true do -- while there are units alive out there
-- Init

function VetInit() -- 
	if SessionIsReplay() == true then
		LOG("Veterename: Disabled ; Watching replay")
		LOG("Veterename: Enabled")
		local newSelectionsMap = {
            ['shift-Backspace']        = {action =  'UI_Lua import("/mods/Veterename/autorename.lua").RenameVet()'},
		} -- shortcut


Wow, I think I say too early when I say "now I have some idea how these codes work".

I am still having trouble to grasp it fully how it work.

for index, unit in allUnits do


As shown above, the words in brown color is the function, are the words in white color a variable ?

for index, word in WORDS do
    LOG('index: '..index)
    LOG('word: '..word)

As shown above, the wording LOG, is it a function or variable ?

am I right to say that ?


this print the text "index:" out ?


will print out a variable value ?

Thanks again.

Can you explain how this code "tables.lua" file

local NameTable = {
    Default = { -- land units
    UEFT4table = {
        "George Washington",
        "John Adams",
        "Thomas Jefferson",
        "James Madison",
        "James Monroe",
        "John Q. Adams",
        "Andrew Jackson",
        "Martin Van Buren",
        "William H. Harrison",
        "John Tyler",
        "James K. Polk",
        "Zachary Taylor",
        "Millard Fillmore",
        "Franklin Pierce",
        "James Buchanan",
        "Abraham Lincoln",
        "Andrew Johnson",
        "Ulysses S. Grant",
        "Rutherford B. Hayes",
        "James A. Gardield",
        "Chester A. Arthur",
        "S. Grover Cleveland",
        "Benjamin Harrison",
        "William McKinley",
        "Theodore Roosevelt",
        "William H. Taft",
        "T.Woodrow Wilson",
        "Warren G. Harding",
        "J. Calvin Coolidge",
        "Herbet C. Hoover",
        "Franlin D. Roosevelt",
        "Harry S. Truman",
        "Dwight D. Eisenhower",
        "John F. Kennedy",
        "Lyndon B. Johnson",
        "Richard M. Nixon",
        "Gerald R. Ford",
        "James E. Carter",
        "Ronald W. Reagan",
        "George H. W. Bush",
        "William J. 'Bill' Clinton",
        "George W. Bush",
        "Barack Obama",
        "Bernie Sanders",
    AeonT4table = {
    SeraphimT4table = {
        "Obvious alien is obvious",
    CybranT4table = {
        "Obvious Troll is obvious",
        "This is a mantis",
        "Captain sneak",
    AirTable = {
    Naval = {
        "The Kraken",
    BNaval = {
    Gunships = {
    Defense = {
        "I am expansive",
        "AWW YEAA",
        "THIS IS SPARTA",
        "mega turret",
        "Thousand flames",
        "You are an idiot",
    Structures = {

function GetTable()
    return NameTable;

work together with this part of main codes ?

function RenameVet()
        for index, unit in allUnits do
            local Ukills = unit:GetStat('KILLS', 0).Value
            if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 and Ukills != 0 and ( unit:GetCustomName(unit) == nil or unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true ) then
                local unitname = unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName
                local newName
                local temptable ;
                if unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
                        newName = "<[["..username.."]]>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
                        newName = "[["..username.."]]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
                        newName = "<["..username.."]>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
                        newName = "["..username.."]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
                        newName = "<"..username..">"
                        newName = username
                    if unit:IsInCategory('EXPERIMENTAL') then
                        if unit:IsInCategory('UEF') then
                            temptable = NameTable.UEFT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('CYBRAN') then
                            temptable = NameTable.CybranT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('AEON') then
                            temptable = NameTable.AeonT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('SERAPHIM') then
                            temptable = NameTable.SeraphimT4table
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('DEFENSE') then 
                        temptable = NameTable.Defense 
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('STRUCTURE') then
                        temptable = NameTable.Structures
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('BATTLESHIP') == true or unit:IsInCategory('BATTLECRUISER') then
                        temptable = NameTable.BNaval
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('NAVAL') then
                        temptable = NameTable.Naval
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('AIR') and unit:IsInCategory('GROUNDATTACK') then
                        temptable = NameTable.Gunships
                    elseif unit:IsInCategory('AIR') then
                        temptable = NameTable.AirTable
                        temptable = NameTable.Default
                    if temptable != nil then
                        newName = temptable[math.random(table.getsize (temptable) )]
                if newName != nil then

Especially this part here ...

if unit:IsInCategory('EXPERIMENTAL') then
                        if unit:IsInCategory('UEF') then
                            temptable = NameTable.UEFT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('CYBRAN') then
                            temptable = NameTable.CybranT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('AEON') then
                            temptable = NameTable.AeonT4table
                        elseif unit:IsInCategory('SERAPHIM') then
                            temptable = NameTable.SeraphimT4table

The NameTable for UEF has a much longer name list than others ? How do this work out ?
I hope I am not giving you too much trouble getting you to explain all these. I really appreciate the explanation.

The scripting language the game uses is called Lua. You can learn it here
Going through that will answer 90% of your questions.

@speed2 said in Need some help on modding functions:

The scripting language the game uses is called Lua. You can learn it here
Going through that will answer 90% of your questions.

Thanks, this is what I am looking for but to understand it is another question LOL.

One more question - are the blue and white color texts a function ?
Thanks again.

This post is deleted!
if unit:IsInCategory('MOBILE') then 

(1) How do you use IsInCategory to select only units that moves around and is an attacking type of units.
I tried the above but it also consider Factory and Engineer as Mobile ?

(2) Any blueprint for Tech 3 Transport unit ?


hello SupCom_16-12-20 ,

i guess you already figured out how to use table in tables ?
If not, let me know.

You will maybe find custom LUA commands inside the game.

Here is a list of all commands you can use in SIM-STATE of the game:

And here a List of all commands you can use in the UI-STATE of the game:

You can't use SIM-STATE commands in UI-STATE of the game and vise versa.
SIM-STATE commands are for the gamesimulation like moving units etc.
UI-STATE commands are for the user Interface

@speed2 said in Need some help on modding functions:

Here's a list of categories

Thanks. I will use this if I am doing a mission scripting. Now I am trying to work on skirmish game play.

Actually I am looking for these 2 things.
(1) category list for unit that is moving around (mobile type) and an attacking unit.

(2) Blueprint for Tech 3 Transport unit.



To your question - Table in tables. After spending some time reading "Cobrand" code ... I think I roughly know how tables work. I know saying it, is easier than doing it ie. to actually write codes out that actually works without a bug.
I think I will know that when I reach that point.

But right now actually I am stuck in this code here.

local NameTable = import("/mods/Veterename/tables.lua").GetTable()
local allUnits = {} ;
local username = nil ;

function UpdateAllUnits()
    -- Add unit being built by others
    for _, unit in allUnits do
	if not unit:IsDead() and unit:GetFocus() and not unit:GetFocus():IsDead() then
		allUnits[unit:GetFocus():GetEntityId()] = unit:GetFocus()
	-- Remove dead
	for entityid, unit in allUnits do
		if unit:IsDead() then
			allUnits[entityid] = nil
function RenameVet()
        for index, unit in allUnits do
            local Ukills = unit:GetStat('KILLS', 0).Value
            if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 and Ukills != 0 and unit:GetCustomName(unit) == nil then
                local unitname = unit:GetBlueprint().General.UnitName
                local newName ;
                -- commander upgraded name
                if unit:IsInCategory('COMMAND') == true then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
                        newName = "[~[Top Rank: Chief Commander]~]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
                        newName = "[=[2nd Rank: General]=]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
                        newName = "<+>3rd Rank: Colonel<+>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
                        newName = "<<4th Rank: Major>>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
                        newName = "<5th Rank: First Lieutenant>"
                        newName = username
                -- ONLY Tech 3 Transport Air units upgraded name
                if unit:IsInCategory('TRANSPORT') and unit:IsInCategory('TECH3') then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
                        newName = "[~[Top Rank: Whitehorse]~]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
                        newName = "[=[2nd Rank: Hawk]=]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
                        newName = "<+>3rd Rank: Pegasus<+>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
                        newName = "<<4th Rank: Wolfhound>>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
                        newName = "<5th Rank: Puma>"
                    -- else
                        -- newName = username
                -- others mobile units that moves around such as land, air and naval units upgraded name
                if unit:IsInCategory('DIRECTFIRE') and ( unit:IsInCategory('NAVAL') or unit:IsInCategory('LAND') or unit:IsInCategory('AIR') ) then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then
                        newName = "[~[Top Rank: Chief General]~]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level4 then
                        newName = "[=[2nd Rank: General]=]"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level3 then
                        newName = "<+>3rd Rank: Captain<+>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level2 then
                        newName = "<<4th Rank: Lieutenant>>"
                    elseif Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level1 then
                        newName = "<5th Rank: Sergeant>"
                if newName != nil then

-- ForkThread
function Repeat()
    -- this piece of code will actually select units at the beginning of the game
    -- every other unit is eventually created by other units at some point, hence we are adding them via that way
    local selection = GetSelectedUnits()
    UISelectionByCategory("ALLUNITS", false, false, false, false)
    for _, unit in (GetSelectedUnits() or {}) do
        username = unit:GetCustomName(unit);
		allUnits[unit:GetEntityId()] = unit
    SelectUnits(selection); -- select back what was previously selected
	while true do -- while there are units alive out there
-- Init

function VetInit() -- 
	if SessionIsReplay() == true then
		LOG("Veterename: Disabled ; Watching replay")
		LOG("Veterename: Enabled")
		local newSelectionsMap = {
            ['shift-Backspace']        = {action =  'UI_Lua import("/mods/Veterename/autorename.lua").RenameVet()'},
		} -- shortcut

The complete code above. Last night I ran the code using this and game still runs okay but I still cannot find out if this thing works or not as I cannot get a unit to stay on battle field long enough to see it's effect.

The last 2 blocks of code, I know for sure it won't work because I have no info as how to trap a unit that is a mobile type ie. moving type of unit and also an attacking type. And also how to trap a Transport Tech 3 unit.

                -- others mobile units that moves around such as land, air and naval units upgraded name
                if unit:IsInCategory('DIRECTFIRE') and ( unit:IsInCategory('NAVAL') or unit:IsInCategory('LAND') or unit:IsInCategory('AIR') ) then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then

I don't know how to check if a unit is a mobile type and an attacking type of unit.

                -- ONLY Tech 3 Transport Air units upgraded name
                if unit:IsInCategory('TRANSPORT') and unit:IsInCategory('TECH3') then
                    if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then

And also don't know how to check if a unit is a Tech 3 Transport unit.


This post is deleted!

Use LOG commands to print debug text to the game.log.

if unit:IsInCategory('TRANSPORT') and unit:IsInCategory('TECH3') then
	LOG('Found Unit with category TRANSPORT*TECH3')
        if Ukills >= unit:GetBlueprint().Veteran.Level5 then

To Check For mobil units, you can use

units have layer category, so you can ask for land air or naval units:

random Examples:

MOBILE * LAND * INDIRECTFIRE * DIRECTFIRE for land units that can attack other land units
MOBILE * LAND * ANTIAIR for mobile Anti Air
(if unit:IsInCategory('MOBILE') and unit:IsInCategory('AIR') and unit:IsInCategory('TRANSPORTFOCUS') then)