Exodus has wrong icon
Bug: The exodus destro has the strategic icon of a cooper.
Or maybe the cooper has the icon of an exodus!?
@TheWeakie FAF technical support service's response be like.
the icon means it is good against submerged targets
valiant doesn't have it but cooper does -
Seems like a weird choice. You zoom out and think the enemy has 10 destro's meanwhile they have coopers. Are any other icons based on what the unit is good against instead of what they are?
@RakeAnomander Mantis lost its bot icon shape for the tank icon shape a while back, but aside from that I don't think there are many such things because most types of units ("what they are") correctly corresponds to what it's good against. UEF destroyer is just an outlier because it has really weak torpedoes due to the existence of the cooper. In theory it can be confusing but people never faction mix coopers + other faction destros.
An icon change we can draw parallels to was Brick/Percy getting the "x" symbol instead of the directfire "+" symbol to differentiate from Loyalist/Titan (12 years ago). Nobody would disagree with this change, and having separate cooper/valiant icons is a similar case.