BlackOpsFAF-ACUs only for FAF v19

V19 (21.Aug.2022)

  • Unit eal0001 (Aeon Armored Command Unit) Changed sizeX to 0.18
  • fixed missing unit.FactionCategory

Hey there, thank you so much for keeping this extremely fun mod updated. Just downloaded and It's incredibly fun! Really makes ACUs interesting to use late-game.

I noticed some minor bugs discrepancies and have replicated it in Sandbox mode, hopefully this is the right place to report it.

  1. For some reason, with this mod running Build Mode doesn't seem to work for any units aside from the ACU

  2. The Overcharge Amplifier upgrade on the Seraphim ACU doesn't seem to do anything - no matter what level I am, it's still doing 15k damage. I tested this on both a GC and Monkeylord.

  3. This might be more of a thought on balancing - the Aeon ACU's upgraded shield feels extremely strong and feels much tankier than the other ACUs despite technically having lower regeneration stats, etc. I think it's because most high DPS weapons are direct fire beams of some sort and I'm not sure what the damage reduction % is, but other ACUs, various T3s and Exp. units seems to barely scratch that shield.

This is for Version 19 and FAF 3750


thank you for your feedback!

I'll look into these issues and see what I can do

Hey Uveso,

I've noticed that the Cybran ACU doesnt't show cloak, and the Seraphim ACU doesn't show Phasic cloaking.

I've also noticed that only the UEF ACU shows the Overcharge splash damage target ring when wanting to fire. All other Faction ACU's show the original small target firing option.

Using FAF default game and not using any other Mods.

@blackrobe said in BlackOpsFAF-ACUs only for FAF v19:

Hey Uveso,

I've noticed that the Cybran ACU doesnt't show cloak, and the Seraphim ACU doesn't show Phasic cloaking.

I've also noticed that only the UEF ACU shows the Overcharge splash damage target ring when wanting to fire. All other Faction ACU's show the original small target firing option.

Using FAF default game and not using any other Mods.

As there has been no response to this post for over a month, is there anybody else who is working on this Mod, or should I report this issue elsewhere?

We are actual working on fixing Black Ops unleashed.

Regarding ACUs, we recently received information from Rowey that there will be some changes to ACU upgrades.
So we want to wait for the changes and fix the mod afterwards.

And yes it's the right place, I didn't answer because I don't have anything to present. (like a fix)

No worries @Uveso. Thanks for your response, just an acknowledgement is always appreciated. I'm delighted to hear that this Mod and the BlackOps Unleashed Mod will be fixed.

Just wondering if @Uveso is still maintaining this and the other mods? As he has not been online for about 4 months now. All ACU's can no longer fire overcharge, and the Cybran and Seraphim ACU's cloaking still doesn't' work.

@Blackrobe Odd. We play all 3 BlackOps mods on and I was manually overcharging last night no problem. Possible it's a conflict with something else?

I think you may be right about the cloaking though.

@Doompants Yeah, Overcharge was a conflict I resolved quickly, but hadn't mentioned here yet. There are a few other minor bugs apart from cloaking; but as this post has not been answered, I'm not sure if anybody is updating this and BlackOps Unleashed mods anymore. Cheers mate.