Please can we keep faction differences?

I hear there's a new Cybran anti-shield unit being proposed, like the Aeon disruptor. Recently, Cybran coms gained the ability to have nano (in addition to laser). It seems the balance team (who do amazing overall, you know I love you) are pushing to make the factions too similar. IMO, the differences between factions make the game great. When choosing a faction, you should be making a tradeoff: some cool toys unique to that faction, at the expense of a lack of some other things that belong only to other factions.

Originally the idea was to move the Absolver from Aeon to Cybran units.
ppl voted / wanted to keep the absolver though. Therefore an addition instead of a swap.

Faction diversity stops when there is a clear problem with the faction's strength aka. "just accept you're dead when opponent has XY". This was the case with both the nano upgrade and the cybran absolver.


@squeeler I'm a strong proponent of faction diversity, but I think an anti-shield option for cybrans is a very good fit. I would have liked to have the unit moved from the Aeon faction, but this is the best we'll get I think.

As long as not every faction gets a shield disruptor, I'm fine with this.

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@indexlibrorum said in Please can we keep faction differences?:

@squeeler I'm a strong proponent of faction diversity, but I think an anti-shield option for cybrans is a very good fit. I would have liked to have the unit moved from the Aeon faction, but this is the best we'll get I think.

As long as not every faction gets a shield disruptor, I'm fine with this.

Well now its just UEF that doesnt has a anti shield unit. GG i guess 😄

UEF also has the Fatty who just says "What mobile shields", even though it's at exp stage.
They also have Percies, which depending of the point of view could be considered a sniper unit. (High alpha and outrage anything besides Brick and other snipers), but keep in mind UEF also have parashields
Cybran at least has the excuse to have no mobile shields at all.

@valstrax said in Please can we keep faction differences?:

UEF also has the Fatty who just says "What mobile shields", even though it's at exp stage.
They also have Percies, which depending of the point of view could be considered a sniper unit. (High alpha and outrage anything besides Brick and other snipers), but keep in mind UEF also have parashields
Cybran at least has the excuse to have no mobile shields at all.

Except that Fatties don't get close to shields because they get mauled by t2 arty. And Percies are great but so slow that everything can just run away from it

I did say they get close to mobile shields not static shields...
Also they reduced range of T2 arty recently in a balance patch so Fatty is less criticallyw eak to them, and has more opportunities to get close enough to them and kill them before they kill it.

Yeah problem with t2 arty range now is that its absolutly useless against navy. But thats a diffrent problem I guess

Wow just had a look, it went from 150 to 115 ...
Commence naval bombardment.

yeah battleships outrange t2 arty. So if you lose navy, there is absolutly nothing you can do to stop battleships from pounding you now. Atleast when t2 arty had more range you could shoot back, but you cant even do that now anymore.