BlackOps-Unleashed-Steam-v11 (mod vanila SC-FA Link needed)

Re: Blackops mod vanila Sup. com. FA Specific version Link needed

Hello, I hope you are having a great day.

Could you re-upload the corrected version of the MOD:

I have tried to download it but the link is dead.

I would be very grateful if someone can share it with me in this forum or through a storage cloud, such as Google Drive, Mega, etc.

Thank you so much.
I leave my email in case someone is kind enough to share it with me.

[email protected]

@asimetron The link in that thread should stil be valid, but you may need to temporarily disable the feature in your browser to only use HTTPS in order to get to the link which is just HTTP.

@Uveso, can you confirm this?

The link is dead.

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.

Apache Server at Port 80

I followed the steps you indicate and tried it with 2 more browsers, with the same result.

If you have the mod please share it with me via email.

Thank you.
Captura de pantalla 2024-04-04 145150.png