Where's the best beginner how to mod tutorial?

I'm interested in making a mod but struggling to get started. These links:
have no content. I've found a decent video on youtube from 5 years ago by RobotnikFAF but his example doesn't work anymore.

This page is ok but doesn't have a clear start to finish guide to follow

Where's the best starting point? I really need a clear example or two. I'd like to modify some properties of units and eventually do a UI mod. Thanks!

I have a whole repository of UI mods to start with, unfortunately there is no guides because it is kinda hard to do them and it also depends on learner. And since I've done my own library for UI modding, it is better to start with it.
If you have questions about UI modding, you can always ask me.

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
My UI Mods

@quietjoy With regards to modifying some unit properties, I'd suggest having a look at Balthazar's SupCom Mod Tutorials Wiki. Balthazar is the creator of the popular BrewLAN mod & is very active in the community.


I started with no modding experience and only very minimal coding experience. Being a total noob, I found this (somewhat outdated) guide a very useful starting point.


Next was having a list of all the Supreme Commander LUA functions. Since the list doesn't really explain how these functions work, I would then search the FA GitHub to see how others had implemented them (note: you need to create a free GitHub account to be able to search for code).

List of SC Lua functions:

FA GitHub:

And another useful step that is really helpful is to download a mod that is similar to what you are wanting to do and study their code to see how it is set up. Like, if you want to add your own unit, download a mod that adds a single new unit and see how the folders are organized, etc.

Then, when you try running your mod and nothing happens, pull up the FAF log of the game and search for "error". If there are errors in your mod, it will usually tell you the exact line and function to check.

One more useful resource is the Unit Database, if you are working on units. You can quickly check the GitHub of the unit, which will bring you to the unit's blueprint file. From there, you can quickly access the unit's script. If you aren't sure how to get something working, just check how a current unit that has those abilities works and use that as a template.


This is a useful guide explaining what does what in the blueprint file.



Like everyone else, I suggest looking into other mods. I have my whole mods folder set up as a git repo, so I can track my experiments and revert anything that isn't working. Try to make small changes, run the game locally and see if it works. Check the log for errors, you can bind it with a hotkey (Debug category --> "Toggles the debugging log window"). Use LOG() or WARN() functions if you want to print values/messages to the log window.

In general, I think you are better off just asking a bunch of questions here than trying to find a complete guide. Searching for specific solutions beyond the most basic things is usually futile.

When changing units you can loop through all units and make changes based on the unit blueprint, like this:


    local oldModBlueprints = ModBlueprints

    function ModBlueprints(all_bps)
        -- Run the original code of this function, so we don't override it. 
        -- Common practice when extending/hooking existing FAF functions

        for id, bp in all_bps.Unit do

            if bp.Economy.StorageEnergy then
                bp.Economy.StorageEnergy = bp.Economy.StorageEnergy * 2

            if table.find(bp.Categories, "AIR") and not table.find(bp.Categories, "FACTORY") then
                if bp.Intel.VisionRadius then
                    bp.Intel.VisionRadius = bp.Intel.VisionRadius * 1.5

            -- ...ETC

Anything specific you're stuck with at the moment?

What kind of UI mod do you have in mind?

How would i do a simple UI mod, for example making it so when I click on a radar the game does not play any sound?