The problem is not the difficulty of the first mission, as speed sad, the start of the second mission is not easy at all for new players.
The problem is, AGAIN, the UI. What makes the first mission difficult for people new to FAF, is that the "Timed expansions" option added by FAF makes the main way to cheese the missions impossible (cheese: waiting and building up before comleting objectives).
This option is on by default and hidden somewhere in the lobby settings and not found by new players because they don't know it exists. It should be, together with difficulty selection, an option tht is put into the center of attention of the player, directly in the client in the "Create game" dialog if technically feasable. My mockup will included that when i make the game creation section.
Anything that groups the missions is already better than we already have, so that is nice in your mockup.
However, i think the ideal UI should present a clear hierarchy and selection order to the player:
- First, select the base game (Vanilla, FA, or FAF Fan-made?)
- Then, select subgroup (only for Vanillar: UEF, Aeon or Cybran)
- Then, select the mission
I tried to display all of these things in exactly that order, and without any nested dropdowns. But your mockup is of course much closer to what we currently have, so potentially easier to do and and would already be a substantial improvement.
And i think the small campaign descriptions i added are really important to allow new players to orient themselves and choose a campaign that suits them best.