Offline campaign doesn't work
We've got a fix incoming that is released tomorrow. It should work again tomorrow.
My issue is not happening because of save/load. I open the game offline from the launcher and I can't finish a map. I play from start to finish in 1 session.
My issue seems to be but sometimes I also have the objectives and can go right to the end and just get stuck in the cut scene after killing the seraphim ACU and winning.
I am also playing as Aeon. I will try a Cybran campaign now to see if it reproduces. -
How do you play offline? Is is still via the FAF assets?
I have tried with Cybran and the same thing happens, I get to the end and I am stuck in the cut scene mode.
I open FAF client, there is a small little button at the bottom play offline. near remember me Then the game starts normally, I go to campaign and play the first mission normally, I have the FAF assets because I have the tier 3 anti air robot, I have the weapon details on the unit card
If I start the game from C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin then no objectives appear like in the post I mentioned above. -
That method doesn't access the FAF coop.
You need to create a shortcut of the exe and add /init init_coop.lua to the pathway.
Also need to download the coop maps by launching a lobby with each of the maps you want to play.
Then you launch the shortcut and select skirmish not campaign:
I don't want the coop. I just want to be able to play the campaign normally through the campaign menu with the FAF changes but every time I win a mission I don't get the accept win pop up that comes at the end and I am stuck in cut scene mode and I can zoom in and zoom out, other than that the game runs alright.
Coop and campaign are interchangable terms. You don't need to play with someone but to do the missions with faf balance offline you need to do the above instructions. Launching through the campaign menu will cause problems as its not an intended nor supported option.
Most unfortunate, thank you for the clear answer!
A angelofd347h referenced this topic on
A angelofd347h referenced this topic on
@angelofd347h Hi, I just did all things to play campaign, but when I added shortcut with " /init init_coop.lua" game doesnt work:
Moreover I cant see campaign maps in skirmish option, but I downloaded maps for campaign