Lobby: Attempting to connect / host any game. [Error: Socket Closed]

New to FAF, attempting to join any game, have been unable too. Following is the Log provided by ICE.

I have attempted:

  • Uninstall/Reinstall FAF
  • Uninstall/Reinstall JAVA
  • Uninstall/Reinstall Supreme
  • VPN (Nord)
  • Disable Firewall (MalwareBytes/Windows Defender)
  • Disable Anti-Virus (^)
  • C:\ProgramData\FAForever open access for everyone, or try give yourself full access with subfolders
  • Disable IPv6
  • Tried another FAF client.

Judging by the wording, im guessing it has something to do with a closed port "Socket closed"

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Vanialla Supreme runs multiplayer fine.

All logs partially REDACTED to try and remove all identifiable information.

2022-10-15 19:41:32.697 DEBUG Error while reading from local FA as peer (probably disconnecting from peer) REDACTED (com.faforever.iceadapter.ice.Peer:84)
java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
	at java.base/sun.nio.ch.DatagramSocketAdaptor.receive(DatagramSocketAdaptor.java:252)
	at java.base/java.net.DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramSocket.java:700)
	at com.faforever.iceadapter.ice.Peer.faListener(Peer.java:81)
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
Caused by: java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException: null
	at java.base/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.endRead(DatagramChannelImpl.java:523)
	at java.base/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.trustedBlockingReceive(DatagramChannelImpl.java:677)
	at java.base/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive(DatagramChannelImpl.java:635)
	at java.base/sun.nio.ch.DatagramSocketAdaptor.receive(DatagramSocketAdaptor.java:240)
	... 3 common frames omitted
2022-10-15 19:41:32.697 WARN  Close requested, stopping... (c.f.iceadapter.rpc.RPCHandler:130)
2022-10-15 19:41:32.698 INFO  close() - stopping the adapter (com.faforever.iceadapter.IceAdapter:142)
2022-10-15 19:41:32.699 DEBUG No longer listening for GPGPNET from FA (c.f.iceadapter.gpgnet.GPGNetServer:163)
2022-10-15 19:41:32.699 INFO  GPGNetServer stopped (c.f.iceadapter.gpgnet.GPGNetServer:262)
2022-10-15 19:41:32.776 ERROR ICE REDACTED: Gathering candidates timed out (c.f.iceadapter.ice.PeerIceModule:131)
java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: null
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.cancel(CompletableFuture.java:2478)
	at com.faforever.iceadapter.ice.PeerIceModule.lambda$gatherCandidates$4(PeerIceModule.java:118)
	at com.faforever.iceadapter.util.Executor.lambda$executeDelayed$0(Executor.java:16)
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)


info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x11189004
info: LOBBY: Game port 40568[UDP] opened.
info: LOBBY: starting with local uid of 460451 [**REDACTED**]
info: GPGNET: entering lobby state.
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to %CPU_NAME%:53820.
info: LOBBY: Connecting to host "**REDACTED**" [%CPU_NAME%:53820, uid=348824]
info: Can't add chat text -- no chat display
info: text=Connecting to game host...
info: DisconnectFromPeer (uid=459054)
info: LOBBY: deleting unknown peer uid 459054.
info: ConnectToPeer (name=**REDACTED**, uid=459054, address=, USE PROXY)
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to %CPU_NAME%:53822.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "**REDACTED**" [%CPU_NAME%:53822, uid=459054]
info: Can't add chat text -- no chat display
info: text=Connecting to **REDACTED**...
info: DisconnectFromPeer (uid=456322)
info: LOBBY: deleting unknown peer uid 456322.
info: ConnectToPeer (name=**REDACTED**, uid=456322, address=, USE PROXY)
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to %CPU_NAME%:53823.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "**REDACTED**" [%CPU_NAME%:53823, uid=456322]
info: Can't add chat text -- no chat display
info: text=Connecting to **REDACTED**...
info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000
info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR
info: Run time: 0h00m36s


2022-10-15 19:40:53.530  WARN 6972 --- [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl   : Could not connect to ICE adapter (attempt 1/50)
2022-10-15 19:40:53.781  WARN 6972 --- [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl   : Could not connect to ICE adapter (attempt 2/50)
2022-10-15 19:40:54.033  WARN 6972 --- [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl   : Could not connect to ICE adapter (attempt 3/50)

2022-10-15 19:40:56.933  INFO 6972 --- [reactor-http-nio-1] c.f.client.fa.ForgedAllianceService      : Starting Forged Alliance with command: [C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe, /init, init.lua, /nobugreport, /log, %USER_PROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_18286894.log, /gpgnet,, /mean, 1500.0, /deviation, 500.0, /savereplay, gpgnet://, /country, US, /numgames, 0, /numgames, 0] in directory: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin
2022-10-15 19:41:03.490 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE adapter connection state changed to: Connected
2022-10-15 19:41:03.501 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : Message from game: 'GameState' '["Idle"]'
2022-10-15 19:41:03.790 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : Message from game: 'GameState' '["Lobby"]'
2022-10-15 19:41:03.984 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '459054' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:03.993 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '456322' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:04.040 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : Message from game: 'Disconnected' '["459054"]'
2022-10-15 19:41:04.041 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : Message from game: 'Disconnected' '["456322"]'
2022-10-15 19:41:04.667 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:09.039 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '456322' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:09.041 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '459054' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:09.675 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: checking
2022-10-15 19:41:09.682 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:14.056 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '459054' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:14.057 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '456322' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:16.225 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:19.064 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '459054' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:19.074 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '456322' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:21.237 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: checking
2022-10-15 19:41:21.238 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:24.071 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '459054' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:24.094 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '456322' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:27.753 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: gathering
2022-10-15 19:41:29.084 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '459054' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:29.112 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '456322' changed to: disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:32.696 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE adapter connection state changed to: Disconnected
2022-10-15 19:41:32.777 DEBUG 6972 --- [JJsonPeer] c.f.c.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterCallbacks   : ICE connection state for peer '348824' changed to: checking
2022-10-15 19:41:33.179  INFO 6972 --- [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] com.faforever.client.game.GameService    : Forged Alliance terminated with exit code 0
2022-10-15 19:41:33.186  INFO 6972 --- [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl   : Ignoring call to ICE adapter as we are not connected: quit([])
2022-10-15 19:41:33.250  INFO 6972 --- [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl   : ICE adapter terminated normally

For others who may have this issue, I havent confirmed if this is completely fixed, or if there are other issues yet, but Going into my Ethernet Adapter Properties and disabling two tools

  • NordVPN LightWeight Firewall
  • VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver

Appears to have allowed me to connect to games again. If you have any tools that at virtual adapters or anything to your networking panel (I have a significant number) be sure to check those, as they may be interfering and they will not give an easy way to identify. Running on NordsVPN and disabling all Firewalls did not get around this issue.

Try some of this:

  1. Firewall - drop all settings to default, next time give full access to network for program
  2. Add to whitelist in Firewall
  3. Turn off firewall?

@eternal I had tried those, but unfortunately, what it was, was a hidden firewall installed by NordVPN in the network adapter. Disabling all firewalls and programs did not remove this, im not sure where it is hidden, but I only found it after diving into my ethernet drivers.

I was having the same issues all of the sudden where I couldn't connect to most lobbies and when I could connect its showed 90% of the people in the lobby as connecting. I went into devices manager and I had my wireless and ethernet adapters as normal but I also had a Nord adapter. I uninstalled it and restarted my PC and now i can connect. I haven't used Nord in about 8 months and typically play multiple games a day with no problems so not sure why all of the sudden today this happened but yeah.

@ironnhawk Thank you, deleting the Nord adapter solved this for me.