RCV - AI Masters ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
35 players currently signed up, 36 players needed for 12 teams; if the top ranked pair gets the lowest ranked player in the draft pool that'd give them a combined rating of 4,007. Most single players are 1k-1.7k so it feels like you could get 12 teams within a relatively similar rating range of 4k assuming everyone signed up makes it (a big assumption, but then I'd expect some more signups between now and the tourney to compensate for an element of no-shows/drop outs).
Hello, so I think I'm in a very strong contemplation, can I still participate? I don't think I'm more than 1800 especially at the moment, maybe I'll be lucky in this
oyy it's already a choice of players, it turns out I'm late?? sad
Yes - You can still play!
Your rating will be the one on the screenshot from day tourny was announced = 1,763
(I don't know what your 2v2 was back then,
but it would still not bring over the 1800 limit avg)Checking todays ratings of
Glb~ 1723 x 100 = 172,300
2v2~ 1908 x 25 = 47,700
Adding and dividing by total games played =
220,000 / 125 games = 1,760 rating.So... You are good to play
@Fearghal is it too late to sign up? rusty and just back from holiday. sign me up if possible! should be free that weekend
You are good to play.
Registration is open till Sept 11.I signed you up.
Good Luck! -
Hey, sing me up pls!
Never been in a tournament, around what times are the games played?
Scroll to top of this thread, to read all the details about the Tournament,
or click here:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4033/rainbow-cup-v-3v3-1-800-1-200The tourny is 2 days = Sept 24 + 25, @1600 UTC and
is (1 to 3) Best of 3 matches each day.
Then the 3 teams that make it thru the weekend will all
be "In the Money" and play the Semi Finals and Finals the
following Sat - Oct 1st @1600 UTC.Teams will be Red's vs Blue's with the AI being Green.
Maps and scenario's are all pre selected and the game lobby host
will match the game scenario and select the AI before each match. -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
I missed the utc time when I looked through it before posting.
1600 utc is 10 am CST for me
Sign up Upas 1100
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
Sign up Abandoned 1100
Players still needed!
This is the last weekend to register.Sign up by Sunday night as a single or with a friend.
Max 3,500 combined rating if signing up with a friend, or
Max 1,800 rating signing up as a single.Single players will be teamed up with the 2 member teams,
to create 3 player teams,
starting on Monday Sept 12.Here is the current Registration list:
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
Registration is still open until end of Sunday night.
Sign up here, below this post or on Discord here:
The draft to create/complete teams will start Monday at 1300 UTC
If 12 (2) player teams are not created by end of registration period.
(strict 3500 max combined rating for 2 player sign up)
We will make the top rated singles captains.
They will then draft 1 player from the Draft Pool players.
When all single captains draft their first player,
(starting from lowest rated captain to the highest)
we will resort the 12 teams by combined ratings.
Then each team of (2) will draft their 3rd player,
starting from the Lowest Seeded (combined rating) team and
then continue sequentially up to the highest seeded team.
Things are looking good now and we are projected to have 12 teams,
with a pretty closely grouped combined team rating of ~4.4K rating. -
Last night to register.
We would like to have a few more players sign up from ALL sub 1800 ratings,
to play on teams, or
be able to substitute on game day if necessary.If your not sure if you can be free on Sept 24/25 and Oct 1,
you can sign up as a substitute, and be
able to replace players with a higher rating who are unable to play.Draft to place single players onto teams will start tomorrow Sept 12 1400 UTC.
Registration period is now over.
The draft has now begun.Captains... Please be sure to double check with players and confirm they are able to play before selecting them to join you team.
If any players drop out once the draft commences, we are Not able to reverse any draft picks.
If a player drops out during the draft...
we will stop draft process at that point and have the
team that "lost" a player pick first, before continuing the draft at the point it was paused.If at any point the number of draftees drop below a certain point,
the number of teams may be reduced from the current 12 teams to a lesser number of teams to keep proper team balances and competitiveness.Current registration and draft status:
The draft has now begun and it is your turn to make the first draft pick.
I can not find you on the FAF Discord channel.
You can keep "better" track of the draft process on Discord.
Discord link here:
https://discord.com/channels/197033481883222026/1005101460129857598 -
I think it would be interesting to allow players with a rating of 1800+ to participate next time. But then there would be a maximum of two players on their team
@skrat Past Feb's RCIV was an open rating tourny, and
this coming Feb's RCVI will also be an open rating tourny. -