RCV - AI Masters ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
I think because it's still early, and
people want to make sure they have the weekend clear, and
are probably still finding friends to sign up with.We Just opened a channel on FAF Discord here:
Which should help get the word out some more.EVERYONE who wants to play.... should sign up as
there is very good chance you will be picked to play on one of the 12 teams. -
Half way there!
18 registered so far,
36 players total needed to fill the 12 teams of 3.Need 18 more players Plus Extra's for substitute's
Sign up now with a friend or as a single
Registration open until Sept 11th. -
Any chance to fit me in?
I'm bouncing around +-1800 and my ladder is all the way in the cesspool -
Thanks for inquiring......
I just checked your current ratings and your
global rating and your 4v4 are too high.I hope you Register for the upcoming Open RCVI in Feb.
You can count me in. Username on FAF: TheDuelist
All 3 Swarm AI maps are now released:
Starting with Adaptive Tournament Decision as Map #1 of Tourny for the 3rd time running, (perhaps RCVI too?)
RCIII was AI-Uveso, RCIV was RNGAI, and this year SwarmTerrorAI shines in Tourny Opener.
Choice of 5 spawn sites to set up on.
First Uveso AI is on:
Map #10 = Adaptive Regor Highlands.
Uveso AI was originally scheduled to play this map in RCIV, but was swapped out last minute.
Now is its' chance to show why it was first choice originally.
First DilliDalli AI is on:
Map #13 = Plateau of Arracis.
DilliDalli and RNG were paired together in the RCIV and did well together.
This year DilliDalli will try it alone!
. -
and our
First RNGAI map is on:
Map #16 = Adaptive Strongwyn
This map played well with Uveso in RCIV and was a fun map,
now RNG will get a shot at map this time.
.Everyone who wants to try your strategy vs the other team and
the Best AI - FAF has to offer =
Sign up below.Sign up with a friend or as a single.
Signing up Nikerochek ~ (1500 global) + Salnik in one team^^
Put me in as a sub, 900
Sign me up
1553 (4v4) -
sign me up
766 global -
signing up ThurnisHaley 1757 (4v4)
If any one has a favorite map listed
in the AI Dev RCV Tourny forum thread here:
Post it below or in the AI Dev thread,
and I will try to incorporate it into the tourny.
if anyone knows of any problems with any of the maps,
I would also appreciate a heads up, to notify map maker or switch map.
Sign up now to play some fun 3 way maps vs a teams of 3 and
some of the best AI on FAF Sup Com thrown into each map as a common enemy.Come out on top and become the AI-Masters champions!
hello my nick facuto (1495 - at the time of writing) And I want to participate in the tournament as a single player
GBK0220 signing up 840 4v4
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
Still need a dozen more players of ALL ratings < 1,800 to
keep current planned 12 team tournament format.Ask your friends to sign up as a 2 player pair or as a single.
ALL ratings welcome.A team matching/balancing system is used to place
single players with teams pairs,
thru a draft type system.
Most teams will end up being similarly rated.Now is the perfect time to join a fun tournament and
play with and learn from some seasoned veterans.Sign up now.
Hey, sing me up. Nickname "Coola"
Global 1069
1v1 771
2v2 1028
4v4 816 -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
@fearghal All now? U said this tourney for under 1800 players..
All rating's <1,800. Still the same -
@Fearghal I'm signing up with Regal_Eagle as my buddy.
1525 4v4 rating
1450 globalRegal:
1211 4v4
1264 global