2022 Summer Invitational Qualifier
This post is deleted! -
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S Swkoll referenced this topic on
im out
I believe i have to sign out. =(
well maybe i will make it in time, im not sure yet smh
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Due to a number of last minute drop outs, I've decided to lower the qualification requirement to 1v1 Diamond League and/or 1500+ Ladder.
signin up!
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ahh, now that I’m likely to be able to play against my good friend I’ll sign up.
Sign ups are now closed
Congrats to Blast_Chilled for coming in first place in the 2022 Summer Invitational Qualifier! Congrats as well to 2nd place archsimkat and 3rd place Raider-!
The full list of qualifying players is:
- Blast_Chilled
- archsimkat
- Raider-
- Wifi_
- YellowNoob
With the following substitutes:
- silentNoob
- Unknow
- zwaffelNoob
- Eternal-
- Terminal
- demonstreamer666
Thanks to Farms for cocasting with me on faflive today, to Inspektor_Kot and NOC_N_O_C_NOC for being a massive help TDing today, to Dragun101, Milchshake, and the FAF patreon for donating to this tournament, to Javi and Rowey for their help promoting this event, to Sheikah for helping me with technical issues last minute, and to all the players and viewers who made this possible.
For those who missed the stream, Rowey is uploading the games to the official FAF youtube channel.
See you all next week for the Group Stage, June 18th at 14 UTC! -
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Replay Id's for each of the games
Winners Bracket
Round 1
Eternal Vs Silent Noob
Auburn Canyon - #17262897
Open Palm - #17263064
Seraphim Glaciers - #17263298zwaffelNoob Vs Terminal
Auburn Canyon - #17262864
Open Palm - #17263259
Seraphim Glaciers - N/Aarchsimkat Vs Morax
Auburn Canyon - #17262871 / #17263087
Open Palm - #17263293
Seraphim Glaciers - N/AYellowNoob Vs NOC_N_O_C_NOC
Auburn Canyon - #17262842
Open Palm - #17263072
Seraphim Glaciers - N/AF-Putin Vs Wifi_
Auburn Canyon - #17262833
Open Palm - #17263000
Seraphim Glaciers - #17263155Raider- Vs demonstreamer666
Auburn Canyon - #17262875
Open Palm - #17263053
Seraphim Glaciers - N/ARound 2
Blast_Chilled vs silentNoob
Esgaroths - #17263495
Arcane - #17263626
Generated Map 15km - #17263803Terminal vs archsimkat
Esgaroths - #17263520
Arcane - #17263632
Generated Map 15km - N/ANOC_N_O_C_NOC vs Wifi_
Esgaroths - #17263434 / #17263698
Arcane - #17263762
Generated Map 15km - N/ARaider- Vs demonstreamer666
Esgaroths - #17263392
Arcane - #17263475
Generated Map 15km - #17263611Round 3
Blast_Chilled vs archsimkat
8 -Badlands_v4 - #17264013Wifi_ vs Raider-
8 -Badlands_v4 - #17263894Semi
archsimkat vs Raider-
Stickleback Ridge - #17264204Finals
Blast_Chilled vs Archsimkat
No replay Arch Dissolved the win promoting Blast to the WinnerLoser Bracket
Loser Round 1
zwaffelNoob vs Morax
Arctic Refuge - FAF version - #17263507 / #17263616YellowNoob vs F-Putin
Arctic Refuge - FAF version - #17263318demonstreamer666 vs Auriko
Arctic Refuge - FAF version - #17263304Loser Round 2
Unknow vs Eternal-
Bermuda Locket - FAF version - #17263741Terminal vs YellowNoob
Bermuda Locket - FAF version - #17263774silentNoob vs demonstreamer666
Bermuda Locket - FAF version - #17264022Loser round 3
Unknow vs NOC_N_O_C_NOC
Emerald Crater - #17263956YellowNoob vs silentNoob
Emerald Crater - #17264222Loser round 4
Blast_Chilled vs NOC_N_O_C_NOC
Forlorn Fjords - #17264185Loser round 5
Blast_Chilled vs Wifi_
Polar Depression - #17264682Loser round 6
Raider- Vs Blast_Chilled
Generated Map 10km - #17265034 -
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