Nuke defence glitch
It seems that if a nuke defence misses the nuke it targeted, all the other nuke defences count that nuke as destroyed. Hence none of them target it and its allowed through despite nuke defence being available
Interesting - there are four anti nukes launched but I think two of them collide with the same missile.
yeah I saw that seems to be what happened. Guessing that the game registered the last nuke as having been targeted, preventing any of the other smd from defending.
I'll see if I can manage to write up a fix, but I'm not sure if there is one
. If the target is set for the projectile then we can disallow any collision that is not the target (strategic missile) in question.
Didn't nukes get a lot of health so they destroy projectiles they collide with without getting destroyed themselves? Maybe same could be done for Anti?
Similar stuff has been reported before (by me or Archigo) where we lost half a base with 7 loaded smd's in range...
There also is still the odd 'nuke (not from yolo) draws 2 smd rockets'. Especially naval nukes did that.
@katharsas said in Nuke defence glitch:
Didn't nukes get a lot of health so they destroy projectiles they collide with without getting destroyed themselves? Maybe same could be done for Anti?
Hehe, that makes me think about that video from years ago where a landed intercepter had it's wing in an smd and took a bit of damage when the smd fired... the nuke not being shot down.
The following pull request will fix this issue:
Will be part of the next release of the game, released somewhere in June.
Found the old topic; id 9611090
near end of game , last minute or so
me and my team got a lot smds loaded and in range ( 40 smds or so ... was game vs 2 yolo ) then a lot of subs ( 10 mayby ) fired nukes on us , 1 nuke went thro even when we all had some smd loaded still
didnt change outcome of game we won anyway but in other game ( or 10 min earlier ) it could be really annoying -
@jip said in Nuke defence glitch:
The following pull request will fix this issue:
Will be part of the next release of the game, released somewhere in June.
So if for some reason one smd rocket disappears, it will fire another?
no - the rocket won't disappear anymore
The reason a rocket 'disappeared' was because two anti nukes collided with the same nuke, causing the one slightly behind it to go do as it pleases. With this pull requests, the only valid collision for an anti missile is the missile it was aiming for.
@jip said in Nuke defence glitch:
no - the rocket won't disappear anymore
The reason a rocket 'disappeared' was because two anti nukes collided with the same nuke, causing the one slightly behind it to go do as it pleases. With this pull requests, the only valid collision for an anti missile is the missile it was aiming for.
Niiice. That should then also fix that thing trampek reported 2 years ago, I guess. I honestly didn't count smd rockets fired in that game.