Ive thought of a really good way of making life easier.

How could u use the multi unit hotkey when its a factory. Rn it only works on buildings cus with buildings u click to show u have selected the correct unit. With factories there is no why to know if u wanted choice 1 or 2.

@SpikeyNoob you actually q by pressing lmb in the required quantities and the give the rally point by rmb which is also the trigger to close the selection window.

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

That seems slower than the current solution. Whst about queueing large amounts of units. If click the key too fast before the mouse button u will end up with wrong units. Also if the unit i want is the 3rd option and i want 4 units, thats 12 key presses and 4 mouse presses compared to the 4 using the current system. At that point just use normal clicking of the icon.

@spikeynoob The input sequence would be for example q q shift+lmb w lmb s lmb d d lmb k lmb
Its not that hard tbf

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Good point with shift. Why are there no lmb after w and s?

@spikeynoob current solution require a shit load of keys being used. The choice is up to you to either memorise 150 keys or use 20 keys with a bit slower input (the actual input timings shouldnt be THAT much slower as you describe id say its 1-5 seconds at most)

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

@spikeynoob Actually on a second thought we should add a priority so that the higher tech unit comes before its lesser tech unit predecessor in the selection window. Thanks for noticing. So that later in a game would save you from pressing the same key few times.

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

@yellownoob Agreed, I think that would be a lot faster.

@tagada said in Ive thought of a really good way of making life easier.:

Ah forgot that existed, well that may be fine for most players then

As a note its bugged for factories. And can resulted in an interesting interactions but functionality exist yes

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

Currently working on mod allowing you create your own key setups. Idea is taken from PA mod. I called it Keybind Overhaul. If you are really interested im open for suggestions

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Close the topic Azot made op hotkeys

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"


“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
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