About the network
@jackffff said in About the network:
but because FAF's support for disconnection and reconnection is not very good
Compared to the original networking from GPG we are miles ahead. Our network setup allows reconnects even from a new IP address.
There is no way to fix networking between countries from our side.
If you want to ping a server close yo the original server you can ping test.faforever.com (hosted at the same provider as the main server)
It looks fine, but the actual game is behind。
Is this a problem between countries?
But other players who are also Chinese seem to have no problem with behind。 -
I've tested PUBG servers in all countries and it seems to be fine, I don't know where the problem is.
@brutus5000 Switch VPNs in-game, and there are very few times when you can reconnect with everyone.
Wouldn't a Chinese coturn server help Brutus?
@nine2 what is “Brutus” ?
I'm not a professional and don't know much about this. -
Brutus is a person who runs faf servers. I asked Brutus a question.
@Brutus5000, that's how you call for people
@nine2 ah sorry