Petition to Raise the Firing Elevation of the Seraphim Destroyer Just Slightly

I would like to disagree with this petition. I think their compliment of weapons makes them good in their role, and the TML of their cruisers fulfills the role of shore bombardment nicely.

You must deceive the enemy, sometimes your allies, but you must always deceive yourself!

It's futile to change unit balance to compensate for map problems. No matter how far you raise the turret there will be maps with steeper or higher hills. It is the responsibility of the mapper to make maps that work with the units in the game. Either they deliberately made a decision to have a shoreline block certain naval units and tested that it works as intended, or they just randomly threw a map together and it is what it is.

@thomashiatt said in Petition to Raise the Firing Elevation of the Seraphim Destroyer Just Slightly:

It's futile to change unit balance to compensate for map problems. No matter how far you raise the turret there will be maps with steeper or higher hills. It is the responsibility of the mapper to make maps that work with the units in the game. Either they deliberately made a decision to have a shoreline block certain naval units and tested that it works as intended, or they just randomly threw a map together and it is what it is.

Okay the other comments made sense but this one is entirely nonsensical. Some maps have cliffs designed to block offshore bombardment specifically, and some do not. It is also the responsibility of the player to recognize when the terrain favors and disfavors you.

Seraphim destroyers having a higher turret position would only result in you being able to actually use them for this purpose in more situations.

Some maps do. More specifically, maps tend to be balanced around what mexes frigates can and can't hit via terrain. But sometimes they aren't and you cant really tell in any certain way unless you go and test it out yourself. For example, sentons has a rock mex that can't be hit by a frigate but subs can, except for the Aeon sub which has no deck gun. This was absolutely not an intentional design choice by GPG but just happenstance.

Destroyers I don't really know of very many maps at all where it's reviewed whether certain destroyers can or can't hit inland.

I think Chosen probably tests for these sorts of things on his maps. The rest of the mappers on FAF are bad and should be banned.

@thomashiatt said in Petition to Raise the Firing Elevation of the Seraphim Destroyer Just Slightly:

It's futile to change unit balance to compensate for map problems. No matter how far you raise the turret there will be maps with steeper or higher hills. It is the responsibility of the mapper to make maps that work with the units in the game. Either they deliberately made a decision to have a shoreline block certain naval units and tested that it works as intended, or they just randomly threw a map together and it is what it is.

Yes, of course there will always be maps where the turret isn't high enough. But raising the turrett a bit will solve the issue where only a slightly elevated shore will already block the beam.
I don't expect the Sera destroyer to be able to shoot over obstacles as well as the other faction destroyers do, but right now I agree with OP it too quickly hits the ground.
Raising the turret a bit is worth testing imo.

Check out my maps here:

Madness 1 - 10

@h-master said in Petition to Raise the Firing Elevation of the Seraphim Destroyer Just Slightly:

Raising the turret a bit is worth testing imo.

Make a mod and convince us that it still looks decent and has the desired impact.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

You know what fuck it where's the how to make your first FAF mod tutorial

@jip I don’t know how atm. Maybe at a later time. Any resources on how to develop something like that?

Check out my maps here:

Madness 1 - 10

@snowy801 Yep seraph destros also tilt me to no end sometimes