Humans vs Sorian/Uveso AIx - Game Crashes on AI ACU Kill since FAF Client 1.4.2

@Uveso thank you again for looking into this.

Is it possible for a UI mod to cause other player's games to crash? I'll run without UI mods for now just in case, but nobody else in my group uses them.

Also, we've been playing with a few non-standard game options. AI cheat/build multiplier at 1.2, Share Unit Cap at Death: Allies, and Share Conditions: Full Share (full sharing of resources and units at death). Full Share is something we turned on recently, could that possibly be the culprit? Sounds like the function TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath might be related to that option being turned on. Did you play/test with multiple humans and AIs and with that game option turned on?

We tried a few more games tonight and we played with all our normal mods, except we changed Share Conditions: Full Share back to the default which is Share Until Death. We didn't see any crashes in this game when we killed the AI ACUs. So, my guess is that the crashing has something to do with Share Conditions: Full Share.

Ui mods have no effect on other players game.

i will test the original TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath function for a while.
In case its working, we need to check every single mod you are using.

@Uveso thank you again for looking into it.
Would you like to join us for one of our games against the AI? Would you being in a game when it crashes help identify the problem? We normally play in the evenings CDT (UTC-5).

I am not playing much online because i am running the game in a development environment.

This weekend is my "Girlfriend" weekend, so i will start with testing next week.

@Uveso just confirmed that Full Share on with AIx: Uveso Rush and AIx: Uveso Adaptive, killing one enemy ACU does cause the game to crash. With Full Share off, it doesn't crash. So. Full Share seems to be the culprit.


Thank you for testing and your report!

i will do my best to fix it this week.

well this bug is really nasty.

i am testing with 4 PCs since 8 hours and only got 1 crash.
But, i can reproduce it 🙂

At least i can say the crash is caused inside the function TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath
I added some debug lines to the function and i am now waiting for the next crash...

Debug fun:

INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath START
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath unfinishedUnits count...
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 393 reclaim:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 410 unit:Destroy()
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 410 IssueBuildMobile
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 GetUnitsInRect loop
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 400 u:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 410 unit:Destroy()
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 410 IssueBuildMobile
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 412 WaitTicks(3)
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 413 WaitTicks(4)
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 414 builder in builders START
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 414 builder in builders (buildrate: 193881.796875 ... LOOP
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 414 builder in builders... END
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 414 builder in builders (buildrate: 795.31726074219 ... LOOP
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 414 builder in builders... END
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 415 WaitTicks(1)
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 415 builder:Destroy()
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 415 builder:Destroy()
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 416 builder finished
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath CreateWreckage...
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath SetCollisionShape...
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 514 wreck:SetCollisionShape
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE 514 Shape Data: shape "Box" - centerx 0 - centery 0 - centerz 0 - sizex 0.40000000596046 - sizey 0.125 - sizez 0.69999998807907
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath RevertCollisionShape...
INFO: * AI-Uveso: CRASHTRACE TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath END 2

I just need one crash ^^

just for Info:

i got some crshes now, and sadly the function TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath is unstable.
It's all propper coded in LUA but at some point the c-engine will trigger an error.

So i disabled the function and i am now continuing testing fullshare.

I already included it as patch to my AI and will release it today or tomorrow.
We will lose the transfer of unfinished units to the new owner, but get hopefully a crash-free gameend.

AI-Uveso V92 is out and has a patch to exclude the TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath function.

Please test it, and report if the error at address 0x0067aa5f is gone.

Well, i tested the gameend without the function TransferUnfinishedUnitsAfterDeath() for 2 month now and got not a single crash.

Wow its working on your side @jchamlin ?

Client version has zero effect on the game
