New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements
I really dislike that you make false statements like that, FTX. Aside from my experience creating/balancing several other games, I've participated in numerous FAF balance discussions, including many involving member(s) of the balance team. I've also read a lot of forum posts and discussion messages from members of the balance team specifically explaining their reasoning for making/not making various changes. I consider reading and participating in numerous discussions and posts on FAF balance containing many thousands of messages, including numerous ones from members of the balance team, to be substantial information. To say I have "no idea how they make decisions nor anything else related to them" is just rude, wrong, and insulting...
You say you didn't shoot anybody down or discourage anybody from participating, yet you were rude/condescending/dismissive to me and you responded to Valki in a way that provoked this response from another person (prior to this election)...
@shape-of-bennis said in (A)RAS: reduce nearby building consumption to zero:
Wow ftx you totally smashed the idea.
We should have an environment here that rewards people for having ideas and sharing them with us, if they are new and somewhat thought out. Not talk it into the ground with a somewhat condescending tone! Not what a councillor should behave like!
Jk I still love you but its still meh behaviour.You can say what you want, but you clearly make people feel badly and are discouraging/condescending/dismissive. That is not the type of treatment that I (and many others) would hope for from the PLAYERS' Councilor.
You reading balance team forum posts just means you read about 25% Tagada explaining why ideas are bad, 50% farm shitposting bad ideas, and 25% of turin asking people questions.
I look forward to the insights of your breadth of knowledge.
How about this question to test your knowledge: What is required for a balance change to get pushed into the next patch.
If bennis is the best you can cite for my toxic attitude, you better reconsider your position lol
From one of your trainers:
From a guy who just hosted a lower skill rating tourney because you are "too busy and overloaded":
From a guy who just hosted a lower skill rating tourney because you are "too busy and overloaded":
From a guy who just hosted a lower skill rating tourney because you are "too busy and overloaded":
One more for now because why not? I would like to hear you guys claim that "no one but Morax says this and that" a little more and we can continue to debate this. Win the election or not, people are going to start seeing in totality what they think of how you handle their game.
So for all 3 (more so Thacon and Morax): We all love polling and all love opanions. But like (whatever part of anatomy you prefer) everyone has one.
As PC:
If you found playerbase irrovacably came out against a change (like this mex change. Now we can debate pedantics of this but tje balance can point to how Underpowered folks feel T3 is. And argueably easier BP accessibity gets T3 deployed faster. You no longer need T3 Engineers etc (which ironically requires T3. Its a vicuous cycle)).You go to the balance team, or its councilior Petric. Or whatever how will you convince them?
Screaming and Shouting go as about as well as recieving coal for christmas (which piece of trivia was originally good thing. But that random historical factoid). How would you approach Petric?
I will convince the association they have reason other than themselves to remove them as they are not doing what is in the best interest of the community.
It has been long enough they get away with doing whatever they please and shooting almost everyone down.
And if that means dismantling the council and restructuring it into a group of individuals that have actual liability, then so be it.
The whole concept of the "council of sentons" was some poor attempt by visionik to give the FAF community some kind of "company structure"
Lots of those quotes have entirely wrong information.
Petric was unanimously elected by the current balance team, he wasn’t just put in his seat.
Ladder pools are delegated to a team to create, review, and critique.
Likewise, Petric literally requires a democratic consent from balance team to implement something INTO a balance patch.
So yeah, keep going.
Why was the community not involved in choosing someone among those players that are on the balance team? How come they did not have to present ideas?
Frankly FTX, I think Morax's posts do a great job at showcasing that the system needs change. Whether people vote for me or for Morax, they are voting for change.
In regards to your toxicity:
-from the public official FAF Discord... what a wonderful Player Councilor -
Yeah, I stand by that quote. A dude permanently banned from FAF for smurfing, toxicity, manipulation, etc that has now been given a permanent forum ban is a roach and should have been removed from the election day 1.
You being elected PC gives you no ability to do away with balance team, restructure council, or introduce anything of the sort here. All you’re showing me is that you’re a force for contention and stagnation rather than working to make FAF better.
To be a member of the balance team you get democratically voted upon by a collection of reasonable high level players. The team is a collection of the highest concentration of game knowledge possible. If you can add to it, then ask to join. If you can’t, make a decent forum post and I or somebody else would link it to petric.
Whether or not the PC has direct power over those things, the PC can have substantial influence. I’ve already spoken with the president of the board (among others) regarding changing the FAF leadership structure, and changes ARE coming. As PC, I would be positioned to smooth and guide those changes in the best interests of the overall FAF community.
@morax said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
@RandomWheelchair it is only pathetic now because I do not think you really play the game much (as you told me) and do not engage with it as much as daily players. These issues may not bother you as much as other people, so no, it is not pathetic to some.
Which is kinda funny, cuz I'm still more active here and on discord while also seing other way more proactive people who are helping out others before they actually get poked to do something like Mr.emperor here.
The whole posts replying to valki reek of nothing but a PR stunt done only cuz this was the moment in which he could profit from doing a big ass reply to show off how much he cares. When in reality he never gave a fuck to give him a proper answer before he started running for the PC. Just look through the threads and you will see that he never bothered to reply. He only did so when it actually was profitable for his own agenda to make a big public statement how much better he is than the rest.
Which is, well, pathetic in my eyes considering I see all the other folks actively contributing without having any kind of agenda just to see this dude pull out this PR stunts.
I think FAF needs someone new and that would push for change. Keeping the same pool of people in control causes complacency and stagnation. He has played the game for years. He understands the game and the players base. He also is one of the main creators for random map gen.
I think Emperor_Penguin would be a a great choice for PC.
@emperor_penguin said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
@randomwheelchair @FtXCommando
To answer your statements/questions:
I have done a lot of things to make FAF a better place (ie: improving the map generator, making maps, making mapping utilities, making new props, answering other questions, training noobs, working on code, etc), and it is obviously not realistic nor my job to respond to every random question asked on FAF.I responded to Valki now (rather than earlier) because he directly invited me by name to respond to those posts yesterday (and not earlier)... I generally try to respond when someone basically asks me a question and @'s me, as I think that's the decent thing to do...
So basically you really do mean to say that you didn't care to help him out before you literally got outed to do so and then recognised how good of PR stunt it is to make nice big reply to him in this part of forum.
Well, who would have thought to actually go and help out the poor dude before you could profit from it.
No, actually, I had already talked with Valki in pm and helped him with some stuff before I was even planning on running for PC. -
I don't really understand this whole fuss about balance team in the PC election? Like it's not up to PC to decide about balance nor who is on the balance team ... also you posting random screenshots showcasing people angry about balance and map pool is completely useless and proves nothing. It's balance and map pool, there are always people that are unhappy about them no matter what you do. Another thing is this weird idea that "oh the balance team is not doing what's best in the interest of FAF" yet it consists of players that understand FA gameplay the most and are most qualified to make adjustments to said gameplay so am I missing something? You want to make polls about balance, sure go ahead its results doesn't matter cause 99% of players don't understand gameplay well enough to make informed decisions about it and most of them will just base their responses on personal preferences or something they struggle with.