2020 Fall Invitational Group Stage
Welcome to the Group Stage for the 2020 Fall Invitational. This stage will be made up with 4 groups of 4 players each. Games will be played round robin style with each player in a group playing each other player in a BO3. The top 2 players in each group will advance to the finals.
Date: September 19th
Start Time: 14:00 GMT
Chat: /join #fall
Challonge: https://challonge.com/z16htxwt
Tournament Director: SwkollMaps:
There is a pool of 10 maps and maps will be selected using a veto and pick system. This means each player has 2 vetos, with the lower seed in the group vetoing first in an alternating pattern.(ie lower seed, upper seed, lower seed, upper seed). Next the higher seed will select the first map, the lower seed the second map, and if necessary the higher seed will select the third map. 5 of the maps are the same for each group and 5 maps are different for each group.To clarify map picking:
- Figure out which maps are in your group, they are the 5 "All" maps and the 5 maps specific to your group.
- Lower seed (as shown by the position in the group) vetos first map
- Higher seed vetos next map
- Lower seed uses last veto
- Higher seed uses last veto
- Higher seed then picks the first map to play from the list of maps in the pool that have not been vetoed
- Lower seed picks the second map following the same rules
- In the event of a tie, higher seed picks the tie breaker map following the same rules
- The winner reports the results (including losses and tie games) to Swkoll in the #fall channel
Map Generator:
If a player chooses the map generator players will play on the first map generated with these settings:
Number of Spawns: 2
Map Size: 10km
All other settings: RandomIf there is a draw, the same map should be used instead of generating a new one.
with the following substitutes:
- ezwithmantis
- archsimkat
- Thalia
Can i please be sub too? For 10 Dollers?
Congrats to Petric, Turin, Nexus, Yudi, Tagada, Espeperant, TURBO2, and BlinChIk for making it out of the group stage and advancing to the finals!
These players can send me a map via faf, discord, or forum pm to be included in the map pool for the finals. Maps must be received on or before September 22nd.
Fall Invitational Group Stage Games
September 19, 2020
List of All Games PlayedGROUP A
Petric, JaggedAppliance, BlinChik, and RyfunSeries A1 - BlInChIk vs JaggedAppliance
12680893 on Turtle Rocks
12681074 on Adaptive MaridiaSeries A2 - Petric vs Ryfun
12680864 on 8 - Badlands_v4
12681053 on ArcaneSeries A3 - JaggedAppliance vs Petric
12681358 on 8 - Badlands_v4
12681645 on Generated MapSeries A4 - BlInChIk vs Ryfun
12681393 on Cobalt Valley
12681491 on Generated MapSeries A6 - BlInChIk vs Petric
12682115 on The Bermuda Locket
12682304 on Generated MapGROUP B
Tagada, Paralon/ZLO, Yudi, Blast_Chilled
(it appears that Paralon dropped out during the tournament and ZLO, as a substitute, took his place)Series B1 - Paralon vs Yudi
12680935 on Cobalt Valley
12681372 on Cobalt Valley
12681470 on Adaptive MaridiaSeries B2 - Blast_Chilled vs Tagada
12680862 on Adaptive Maridia
12681184 on Generated MapSeries B3 - Tagada vs ZLO
12681754 on Setons Clutch - FAF version
12682026 on Generated MapSeries B4- Blast_Chilled vs Yudi
12681704 on Chiron
12681861 on ArcaneSeries B5 - Blast_Chilled vs ZLO
12682227 on Seraphim Glaciers
12682838 on ArcaneSeries B6 - Tagada vs Yudi
12682240 on Amoor
12682355 on Setons Clutch - FAF versionGROUP C
Nexus, Espiranto, ThomasHiatt, Inspektor_KotSeries C1 - Espiranto vs ThomasHiatt
12680993 on Frithen
12681166 on Point of Reach v4Series C2 - Inspektor_Kot vs Nexus
12680896 on Cobalt Valley
12681140 on ArcaneSeries C3 - Espiranto vs Nexus
12681459 on Point of Reach v4
12681641 on FrithenSeries C4 - Inspektor_Kot vs ThomasHiatt
12681318 on Frithen
12681482 on Forbidden Pass v4
12681678 on Forbidden Pass v4Series C5 - Espiranto vs Inspektor_Kot
12681952 on Frithen
12682153 on crazyrushSeries C6 - Nexus vs ThomasHiatt
12681868 on Arcane
12681964 on Cobalt ValleyGROUP D
Archsimkat, TurinTurambar, TURBO2, WoundedElkNoobSeries D1 - TURBO2 vs Turin Turambar
12680888 on Niflheim - Final II v2
12681125 on Setons Clutch - FAF versionSeries D2 - archsimkat vs WoundedElkNoob
12681007 on The Ganges Chasma
12681119 on The Ganges Chasma
12681243 on Cobalt ValleySeries D3 - archsimkat vs Turin Turambar
12681673 on Niflheim - Final II v2
12681802 on Crossfire Canal - FAF version
12682352 on The CrucibleSeries D4 - TURBO2 vs WoundedElkNoob
12681718 on Setons Clutch - FAF version
12682066 on The Ganges ChasmaSeries D5 - Turin Turambar vs WoundedElkNoob
12682789 on Setons Clutch - FAF version
12683011 on Niflheim - Final II v2Series D6 - archsimkat vs TURBO2
12682797 on Adaptive Maridia
12683021 on Cobalt Valley
12683145 on Crossfire Canal - FAF versionAlso: here is a search string that you can enter into the Java client to pull up all group stage tournament games (copy it to your clipboard, then in the FAF client, check the box for: display search query, and then paste this into the query input field, and press enter to perform the search directly from the query input field).
Soul Reaver (aka JeanKepler/Keplergamer) Fall Invitational Group Stage Games Review
September 19, 2020GROUP A
Petric (Fremy), JaggedAppliance, BlinChik, and Ryfunhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta_5xx6bBKE
Series A1 - BlInChIk vs JaggedAppliance
12680893 on Turtle Rocks r7
12681074 on Adaptive Maridia r5Series A2 - Petric vs Ryfun
12680864 on 8 - Badlands_v4 r5
12681053 on Arcane r4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L_Gs0i2EBE
Series A3 - JaggedAppliance vs Petric
12681358 on 8 - Badlands_v4 r9.5
12681645 on Generated Map r9.5Series A4 - BlInChIk vs Ryfun
12681393 on Cobalt Valley r9
12681491 on Generated Map r8.5Series A6 - BlInChIk vs Petric
12682115 on The Bermuda Locket r8.5
12682304 on Generated Map r8GROUP B
Tagada, Paralon/ZLO, Yudi(Shinobu), Blast_Chilled(it appears that Paralon dropped out during the tournament and ZLO, as a substitute, took his place)
Series B1 - Paralon vs Yudi
12680935 on Cobalt Valley r9
12681372 on Cobalt Valley r9
12681470 on Adaptive Maridia r8Series B2 - Blast_Chilled vs Tagada
12680862 on Adaptive Maridia r8
12681184 on Generated Map r7Series B3 - Tagada vs ZLO
12681754 on Setons Clutch - FAF version r7.5
12682026 on Generated Map r6.5Series B4- Blast_Chilled vs Yudi (What a series to decide 2ยบ place)
12681704 on Chiron r9
12681861 on Arcane r11Series B5 - Blast_Chilled vs ZLO
12682227 on Seraphim Glaciers r9.5
12682838 on Arcane r8Series B6 - Tagada vs Yudi
12682240 on Amoor r6.5
12682355 on Setons Clutch - FAF version r6.5GROUP C
Nexus, Espiranto, ThomasHiatt, Inspektor_KotSeries C1 - Espiranto vs ThomasHiatt
12680993 on Frithen r9
12681166 on Point of Reach v4 r3Series C2 - Inspektor_Kot vs Nexus
12680896 on Cobalt Valley r8
12681140 on Arcane r9Series C3 - Espiranto vs Nexus
12681459 on Point of Reach v4 r7
12681641 on Frithen r8.5Series C4 - Inspektor_Kot vs ThomasHiatt
12681318 on Frithen r7.5
12681482 on Forbidden Pass v4 r9
12681678 on Forbidden Pass v4 r1Series C5 - Espiranto vs Inspektor_Kot
12681952 on Frithen r8
12682153 on crazyrush r9Series C6 - Nexus vs ThomasHiatt
12681868 on Arcane r4
12681964 on Cobalt Valley r6GROUP D
Archsimkat, TurinTurambar (Sonozaki), TURBO2, WoundedElkNoob(Decided to start writing why each game has the rating that it has)
Series D1 - TURBO2 vs Turin Turambar
12680888 on Niflheim - Final II v2 r9
12681125 on Setons Clutch - FAF version r9.5
Only the second game of the day for these players, already a huge test of resilience. What an epic match. Back and forth. Action stalls once or twice but comes back on steroids.Series D2 - archsimkat vs WoundedElkNoob
12681007 on The Ganges Chasma r8.5
Love when both teams go agressive.12681119 on The Ganges Chasma r9
Again very nice action-packed game.12681243 on Cobalt Valley r8.5
Another close, action-packed match.Series D3 - archsimkat vs Turin Turambar
12681673 on Niflheim - Final II v2 r7
Big build-up frustrated by an early ending.12681802 on Crossfire Canal - FAF version r9
Havent seen much games on this map yet, but I kinda like this one. It just seems to be missing the end.12682352 on The Crucible r9
"Grand Pillar Extravaganza!!!" Big brawl fought in 4 fronts (plus some water). Both sides on UEF, both sides with a LOT of T2 Heavy Tank. Another close and action-packed match, fought with the tournament on the line, with a suitable ending.Series D4 - TURBO2 vs WoundedElkNoob
12681718 on Setons Clutch - FAF version r8.5
Nice start and mid battles until the game slows, then early GG. Not the most even match here.12682066 on The Ganges Chasma r9
Short action-packed game from start to finish. Great display by the winning player.Series D5 - Turin Turambar vs WoundedElkNoob
12682789 on Setons Clutch - FAF version r9
One displaying a big fighter who never gives up attitude, while the other one doing the opposite. Nice game until the early gg.12683011 on Niflheim - Final II v2 r9
One focusing more on land, another splitting up land and air, who will win?Series D6 - archsimkat vs TURBO2
12682797 on Adaptive Maridia r8.5
Slow game due to map size, a little one-sided and early ending, but it wasn't a GG Ctrl+k. Amazing display by the winning player.12683021 on Cobalt Valley r8.5
Short, action-packed, close back and forth game.12683145 on Crossfire Canal - FAF version r7.5
Not the most even game here, but entertaining. Ends in a short, silly way. -
Replay review is up, this time I started adding a little description besides the game rating near the end of the reviews. Will keep doing that with the main-event of this amazing tournament.
Also attached all the links to Jagged Appliance's point-of-view that he posted on YT. No game has been actually casted so far, any takes?