The tourney has been posted here for 21 days before it takes place with the specific time zone and time it took place on. no one brings it up as an issue until a day before the event. I cannot change my schedule tomorrow and for all the people who already made time in their schedule it would be unfair to change it last minute.

RE: The Dark Heart Tourney
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
(I'm an idiot and misread the prompt, so going to completely change my post. and leave the original at the bottom marked out.)
Allow the harbinger to use the sacrafice ability that all the engineers can do, with the cost of the harbinger it would make it a real strategy when you have large armies of harbs to use half of them to get a gc out quickly.
Give the Aurora a 50HP shield. I know it'll never happen but I love the idea of it the more I think of it. give it the ability to survive t1 bombers and make the faction consistent having every main battle unit feature a personal shield (obsidian and harbs being the other main battle units.) -
RE: Small suggestions topic
@jip here is my wishlist of small changes!
1 - Change the sound of the SCU exploding to anything other than the sound an ACU explosion makes... this feels minor to me. This has been a thing causing both casters and player heart attacks for years. SCUs exploding and tricking us into thinking a com just died or a nuke landed is kinda annoying imo.
2- Adding a UI element to replays that shows more player stats (APM, Resources lost, idle engies.) would help casters a ton. I'm actually unsure how minor to major this is but gonna propose the idea.
3- Firebeetles should have both cloak and stealth. They feel so much more jank to use since the changes and adding stealth would allow us to use them at least a little more since you will need omni to see them.
4- Add some sort of reward for playing ladder (any of them) my suggestion is some kind of cosmetic Ego inflating thing that shows up by your name in custom lobbies for achieving higher ratings in ladder.
5- Integrate Nomads into base FAF mod.
this change is totally a small one. /s
RE: Weekly Discussion #2 - What are your favorite recorded FAF moments?
My favorite moment comes from one of my own videos, I know that may be considered cheap or wrong. I won't link it here because I believe the video is bad but in the last episode of my co-op campaign has a moment where I say "cougars fly south for the winter" and I now have this moment at least once a week when I'm feeling down where I think of a late 40s-50s woman flapping her arms and flying to florida and it's just an absurd thing that makes me smile. may not be funny to anyone else on earth but is to me.
RE: Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit
@auriko said in Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit:
Come on now let's be serious
Doesn't it have the sexiest legs ???
At the time of release, i remember thinking "nice this one is like the dope tripods in Half Life 2 !". What a better way to cleanse the city of your opponent but with giant guns on long legs ?(but i'll have to admit, the crunchy sound of the fatboy, the mavor and the submit are all pretty dope, but that's more about the sound than the looks)
this is the only truth you need in life. harbie army for life. bout to start an onlyfans where I post pictures of beautiful sexy aeon units like this. bet it'll blow up.