So this is what worked for me with fresh installs on both Ubuntu 21.04 and Manjaro with gnome (aug 13 2021) and nvidia 470 driver:
- Grab a coup of coffee. Maybe some chill music also.
- Install steam.
- Install Supreme commander: forged alliance using steam.
- Enable steam play (steam -> settings -> steam play -> "enable steam play for all other titles" and i set it to
Proton 6.3-5
- Launch options: In steam library, right click Supreme commander: Forged alliance -> Properties...
Then under "General" -> "Launch options", putPROTON_NO_ESYNC=1, PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command% /windowed 1024 758
Under "Compatibility" check "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" and choose whatever Proton version you think is best. I went with 6.3 but some ppl say 5.0 is better.
You can try to run the game now, it crashes on launch for me, saying
"CD3DDeviceResources::DevResInitResources: Unable to load effect file /effects/cartographic.fx"
If game runs fine, skip the next section and just edit game.prefs (last step)
If you get that error, close the game and let's fix it.
Install winetricks (it will probably also install some dependencies and wine itself)
ubuntu:sudo apt install winetricks
manjaro:sudo pacman -S winetricks
Install protontricks using this guide:
in a terminal, write
protontricks 9420 dlls d3dx9
in a terminal, write
protontricks 9420 dlls xact
(if you, at a later stage, change proton version in steam, you have to reinstall the above two libraries since they don't seem to come with proton.)
Now start the game. It should start. Create a game profile ingame and exit.
- edit your Game.prefs
on ubuntu it's located in:
~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/9420/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/
primary_adapter = '1024,758,60',
to whatever your native screen resolution is, mine is:
primary_adapter = '2560,1440,60',
and save. - Edit launch options again (see step above) and remove
/windowed 1024 758
Rune game again and try skirmish.
If you use analogue headphones and have no sound, try change sound output in ubuntu/manjaro gnome from "headphones" to "line out". I've never had any issues with this before, must be some Wine edge case.
- All that is left now is to install faforever client but i'll leave that to the wiki