hey i now that you were updating the nomads faction. when are we expecting them to be playable?
RE: Patch 3721 / hotfix 3722 / hotfix 3723 / Patch 3724
Had a crash today. we cant get through any games since update. here is the info to help get it fixed.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0050dfd8
attempted to read memory at 0x0000005cProgram : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game_15366794.log /gpgnet /mean 1500.0 /deviation 500.0 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country US /numgames 0Callstack:
Unknown symbol (address 0x0050dfd8)
Unknown symbol (address 0x0068af40)
Unknown symbol (address 0x1c31c5fb)Last 100 lines of log...
debug: Loading module '\000/units/urb0303/urb0303_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 00:56:30
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/tdfginsu01/tdfginsu01_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/units/xss0304/xss0304_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 00:57:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:57:30
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/taamissileflayer01/taamissileflayer01_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/units/dslk004/dslk004_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 00:58:00
debug: Current gametime: 00:58:30
debug: Current gametime: 00:59:00
debug: Loading module '\000/units/xsb4203/xsb4203_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 00:59:30
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/sanuallcavitationtorpedo04/sanuallcavitationtorpedo04_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:00:00
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff06fd2) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff070e8) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff070e9) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff070ea) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0712c) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff07175) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff073eb) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff073f4) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff073f6) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff073fb) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 01:00:30
debug: Current gametime: 01:01:00
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00905) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 01:01:30
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/tdfheavyplasmagatlingcannon01/tdfheavyplasmagatlingcannon01_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:02:00
debug: Current gametime: 01:02:30
info: UI_Lua import("/lua/ui/uimain.lua").EscapeHandler()
debug: Current gametime: 01:03:00
debug: Current gametime: 01:03:30
debug: Loading module '\000/units/ueb2401/ueb2401_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:04:00
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff022e2) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/saalosaareautocannon03/saalosaareautocannon03_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:04:30
debug: Current gametime: 01:05:00
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/sdftaucannon01/sdftaucannon01_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/units/xrb2308/xrb2308_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/caananodartexgr/caananodartexgr_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:05:30
debug: Loading module '\000/units/zsb9601/zsb9601_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/tdfionizedplasmagatlingcannon01/tdfionizedplasmagatlingcannon01_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:06:00
debug: Current gametime: 01:06:30
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff009e2) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 01:07:00
debug: Current gametime: 01:07:30
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/debrisboneattachchassis01/debrisboneattachchassis01_script.lua\000'
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00b53) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff093c2) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09460) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09462) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0947c) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0950b) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09533) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0954f) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09583) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09586) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00b4f) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0958b) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09594) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09595) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff09598) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0959e) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0959f) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095a9) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095ac) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095bb) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095bc) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095bd) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095be) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff095d1) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00f64) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0124b) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 01:08:00
debug: Loading module '\000/units/xrb2309/xrb2309_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:08:30
debug: Loading module '\000/units/xsl0401/xsl0401_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:09:00
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/caananodartex/caananodartex_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:09:30
debug: Loading module '\000/units/urb2302/urb2302_script.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/units/urb2305/urb2305_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:10:00
debug: Current gametime: 01:10:30
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0026f) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/entities/debrisboneattachhigh01/debrisboneattachhigh01_script.lua\000'
debug: Current gametime: 01:11:00
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff01f17) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Loading module '\000/units/urb4203/urb4203_script.lua\000'
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff007ae) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00d55) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 01:11:30
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0267d) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff027c2) supplied in a pose update.java.lang.RuntimeException: Forged Alliance Crashed with exit code -1073741819. See C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game_15366794.log for more information
at com.faforever.client.game.GameService.lambda$spawnTerminationListener$43(GameService.java:701)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1130)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:630)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:832)