When a player dies on full share and their based gets transferred to the highest score person on your team, could there be an option to accept or decilne their stuff and then it goes to the next person, or maybe a vote?
RE: Small suggestions topic
RE: Why is Aeon #1 disliked, #2 inaccessible and #3 most unfun units, but #4 most fun units
I Like Aeon, but a mis-step with Auroras will lose me the game, especially on some maps.
i end up paying more attention which then means i eco less, its vicious cycle.
There's no way to fix it apart from being a better player in my case. so yeah, its unfixable
RE: On Linux can not lauch game with run file
my bro needs help from intelligent people!
RE: Dont understand how its not a draw
(#4763) Fix veterancy triggering before death weapons do
could this be it?
RE: History Of FAF
The Chronicles of FAF!
I would read that, could also have some player profiles, legends kind of thing.
RE: Setting up automatch
it waits around 2 minutes 30, then kicks all so they can join the next round.
From my experience