I have launched the game through steam with the following launch options
then ran the two protontricks commands recommended in the wiki and they seem to complete without error. There is a warning about wine 32-bit prefixs
./protontricks 9420 dlls d3dx9
./protontricks 9420 dlls xact
After these two steps game runs fine when launching from steam. However trying to launch from the generated run file produces a black screen. The black screen seems to be a mechanically working menu since I can click in game buttons. Just not visually.
Step 8 of the wiki says "in which you edit out steam.exe" which I have not done as I am not quiet sure what it means. So may be the problem.
I am running this on the manjaro distro with amd opensouce gpu drivers.
If anyone has encountered this before I would greatly appreciate if you have a solution