how do I activate the mod? I downloaded it, but nothing has changed in the interface. The scoreboard has disappeared at all, it is not clear what you need to click
RE: 4z0t's ScoreBoard
RE: Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit
Самый the best unit в faf это Titan, хорошая детализация, высокая fire power и мобильность! Перезарядка shields очень быстра, что позволяет быстро возвращать и fighting!
The problem of game mechanics
Hello everyone, I would like to inform you about the mechanics problem associated with the "trampling" of experimental units. Colossus cannot crush enemy buildings or units
RE: RCIV - Spacenet ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
Меня запишите, Глобал 1066, 1v1 1198 Регистрация на турнир
RE: Road to Glory! 1v1. 1000-1500 ladder rating. 50$ prize
MadCat(1222 лестница, 1275 глобальный)