Hello everyone, today I'm announcing my resignation as balance councilor. I took on the role following Zock's resignation in February 2017 and formed a new team to work on FAF balance. With a lot of help from that team we released eight balance patches in that time with changes covering most areas of the game. I want to thank the following people for their work and support: Zock, Brutus5000, Petric, keyser, Exotic_Retard, PhilipJFry, Strogo, Mephi, Turin, Farms, Zlo, Icedreamer, Sheeo, all council members past and present and anyone who may have slipped my mind in the moment.
The balance team currently consists of the following five players; myself, Petric, keyser, Turin and Farms. Petric was unanimously selected as the new Balance Councilor with the approval of the Council of Setons. I will remain on the team as a regular member.