Question regarding positions: Do we always assume 1-2 and 3-4 for larger maps team games?
Corina's hourglass is bottom-left vs top-right in a 2v2 scenario?
RE: Map Bounty Thread
RE: Map Bounty Thread
Two mid/high replays of Hargreven by Tron-, Sorry didn't get to the bo 5 since I got a work call after. -
RE: RCV - AI Masters ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
Ahh it makes sense now. Thanks for letting us understand. We can choose where in the 5 spots we wish to spawn!
Thanks so much @Fearghal !
RE: RCV - AI Masters ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
I don't know if any one else mentioned, but there's certainly some issues with starting locations on some of the maps not being symmetrical. Would you like some help fixing that?
RE: Cringe Tournament III
I think this concept is hilarious and very innovative. It'll require some solid strategizing and quick thinking on behalf of the participants and I'm very interested in seeing what kind of tactics develop.
However, I would like to ask for some clarification of the rules.
- Comrade player cannot build or own units. Can they own buildings provided they don't build with them?
- Comrade player ACU can do any upgrades? Or are upgrades disabled / you can buy them (at what cost?)
- Starting points do not get reset between matchs? So if you spend 200 out of your 220 points on the first match, and you win, you have only 120 for the next match? If you lose you have nothing? Or do you always have 220 points to spend regardless of how much you spent the previous game? I could see some interesting metagaming where it would be interesting to spend as little as possible and still win if you bring the leftover to the next game.
- If you have the same race as an opponent, do you have access to all units they bought? Since the Comrade can't build, does it not make sense they should be the same team, but different from opponent?
- Are Comrade ACU allowed to reclaim if they're not allowed to build? how about repair or assist?
RE: RCV - AI Masters ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
@Fearghal I'm signing up with Regal_Eagle as my buddy.
1525 4v4 rating
1450 globalRegal:
1211 4v4
1264 global -
RE: Teamgame Events
I think the ranking cap makes sense. As a 1400~ player I would love to see different divisions (say 2500 - 3000, 3000-3500, and 3500-4000 or so) of teams to join. Would be neat if the winning team from a division gets included in the next higher division (I guess that's slightly inconvenient if the tournament is supposed to play on that day). Can have overall winner and divisional winners that way too.
Otherwise, you could also completely randomize the teams (eg a 3v3 tournament) where you sort high + mid + low players together for the duration. But then again, it sucks to be stuck with a 1500 gap-only player :[ -
RE: RCIV - Spacenet ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
I'd like to sign up please.
Conorach: ~1450 custom rating, 1650 2v2I would like to say: Amazing job on the tournament prep. Very detailed screenshots, instructions, descriptions, etc. Really looking forward to trying my hand against the AI.
RE: FAF Live & Viewership Feedback
I think there is a wide range of viewers too and they all like something different.
I think its great to have a variety of casters. A combination of an analytical one and a fun/background/flavor one might be good.
When you have a cast where two casters are both trying to analyze what is happening, it becomes hard to follow. If any, the second caster could point out action happening out of the main window if the main caster isn't noticing it, but otherwise it works.I think nobody will watch an 8 hour stream in one sitting, but people will join and leave throughout.
It's just terrible for the casters, so be sure to have a good rotation after every few matches.
In addition, even if the tournament takes 4 hours, there's a lot more content to go through afterwards, since theres 4-8 matches being played at the same time on average normally -
RE: The "Nightmare" Tournament
ARtillery shells still have vision? Or was that changed too?
RE: The "Nightmare" Tournament
I'm in. the amount of fuckery this will get us is going to be hilarious
RE: TeamMate and Me Tourney
Sorry @KeyBlue I have to withdraw my application. the Mrs. has planned something for us that weekend \o/
RE: Road to Glory! 1v1. 1000-1500 ladder rating. 50$ prize
Poor Demon, played so much he just passed 1500 like last week :[
RE: Road to Glory! 1v1. 1000-1500 ladder rating. 50$ prize
Conorach (~1380 ladder, 1425 global)
RE: Holiday Tournament
Lessons learned:
Perhaps this deserves its own post, but here's some info for future reference:- registering through google form let me put everyone's details in a spreadsheet.
Added with that, the rating of players, let me quickly sort and filter and copy-paste into Challonge.
Even though registration was closed officially the night before the tournament, there were two or three people that signed up on the morning of the tournament, requiring us to recreate the brackets.
At 10am, we had removed the people who hadn't shown up at that moment yet, but as we recreated the bracket, at least one of them still appeared (late), and we had to re-add. In the chaos, two more players got re-added even though they weren't present. Also one player from the < 1000 bracket got accidentally moved up to the wrong group, requiring further tweaks.
All in all this was very chaotic and stressful, lead to confusion, and more waiting time for all the participants that had been ready since 20 minutes before the official start. I will not allow late registrations in the future, and prepare the brackets carefully on the day off, and if people don't show up, so be it. It will be much less work and stress for the TD, and less confusion for the players involved.Finally, around 15 minutes after the original start time, everything was prepared and the tournament could start. This isn't very bad as delays go, but it is still annoying. Some people wake up very early to be ready, and others are staying up late, and delaying it isn't helpful for anyone.
The most effort went into keeping track of the scores. Luckily Wondersheep was there to help me enter all the information and bring attention to issues or questions. I will try to think of a better way to deal with this in the future, since it's pretty hectic when there's about 16 different games going on and people are reporting in chat, in personal chat, in various formats, as well as looking for the next opponent and asking questions.
Separating the participants into two groups
This helped tremendously with the speed of the tournament. The total duration was around 5 hours. I would even split up the groups further in the future. In this case, it could have been 3 groups of < 16. The benefit is that ratings are closer and this will make more fun matches, as well as speeding up the tournament further. -
Map picks
I think this went pretty well. Based on FTX' advice, I picked smaller, faster maps for the loser's brackets, since they always end up having to play more matches. This tends to cause delays where the winner players are waiting for the losers to catch up. There weren't many draws, which helped with the flow too.
Of course, the downside of losing early is that you have very limited variation in maps. Also there's no tactical component for players to pick maps they're good at or have practiced on, but I don't think that is an issue for games that aren't top-tier rated.
Anyway, overall very successful. Can't complain
- registering through google form let me put everyone's details in a spreadsheet.
RE: Holiday Tournament
Dear everyone,
We had a great tournament today.
Winners and runners up are announced in the original post.
Thanks a lot to the streamers, Endranii, Farms/FTX and Matri and everyone who helped organize and run the tournament, in particular Wondersheep.Finally, thanks to the almost 50 players that registered and showed up for this tournament! It is amazing to see so much enthusiasm and effort. You all did a wonderful job whether you won or lost.
We'll reach out to the winners with avatars etc. later this week.
See you at the next tournament!