every game that i've had on Saskiya has been a treat! rating ~1700

RE: 4v4 TMM January 2023 Map Pool Tier List
Dark Mode in the forums
Edit: nevermind i have an adblocker extension that was hiding the setting from me
RE: I am loving the new reclaim batching in 2022.10.0
One thing that I miss about the old additional reclaim info mod was that it gave you the total sum of reclaim on screen. It was fun to zoom out and see the exact amount of reclaim on the map or in a specific area
RE: Give UEF and Aeon t3 scouts sonar
The Omni range is about 1/5th the size of the sonar range on cybran and seraphim scouts. It makes avoiding scouts very easy
Give UEF and Aeon t3 scouts sonar
As Aeon or UEF it's impossible to find nuke subs, commanders, RAS boys, etc without a sonar. I was going insane trying to find aeon nuclear subs because my scouts couldn't see them lol. It's something too important to leave up as a feature of faction flavor imo
Game full sound when the lobby fills
Right now it's impossible to tell if the game is full while being tabbed out and often people have to spam someone's DMs until they wake up. It would be great to have an audio que besides "group formed" whenever the lobby fills completely.
RE: Put Rank Decay in the client plz
Alright guess im gonna intentionally throw games until i feel about right
Put Rank Decay in the client plz
I'm really overrated after a year of not playing regularly and I don't want to intentionally throw 30 shitter games so i can feel comfortable in games with people properly rated. It'd be nice if rank dropped like 50 points for every month of inactivity or something like that to help bridge the gap
Slow coop mission downloads
is there a way for me to download all of the missions outside of the client? It takes me ~30 minutes to download a single mission
Frigate spam beats any comp
I decided to dig into some navy stat lines because I felt that frigates were quite strong and I was blown away.
The Problem
In both DPS/mass and HP/mass, frigates are extremely strong. So strong that any composition that replaces frigates for another unit will almost always lose. (granted that each navy is equal in mass totals) I have left out the battlecruiser because in my sandbox testing it is the only unit that dishes out enough dps with direct fire, combined with kiting ability that it reliably wins over frigates even with bad microTHE DATA
Note: All data was pulled from the unit database which I assume is up to dateDPS/MASS
Frigate dps/mass
UEF.......................0.178 dps/mass
CYBRAN ...........0.257 dps/mass
AEON..................0.202 dps/mass
SERA....................0.202 dps/mass
AVERAGE...........0.209 dps/massDestroyer dps/mass
UEF.....................0.122 dps/mass
CYBRAN..........0.102 dps/mass
AEON................0.094 dps/mass
SERA..................0.093 dps/mass
AVERAGE........0.102 dps/massBattleship dps/mass
UEF.....................0.056 dps/mass
CYBRAN..........0.056 dps/mass
AEON................0.045 dps/mass
SERA..................0.050 dps/mass
AVERAGE........0.051 dps/massHEALTH/MASS
Frigate hp/mass
UEF.......................7.7 hp/mass
CYBRAN............7.6 hp/mass
AEON..................6.4 hp/mass
SERA....................7.4 hp/mass
AVERAGE..........7.3 hp/massDestroyer hp/mass
UEF.......................3.3 hp/mass
CYBRAN............2.7 hp/mass
AEON..................3.3 hp/mass
SERA....................3.1 hp/mass
AVERAGE...........3.1 hp/massBattleship hp/mass
UEF......................5.1 hp/mass
CYBRAN...........5.6 hp/mass
AEON.................5.3 hp/mass
SERA...................5.4 hp/mass
AVERAGE.........5.35 hp/massCONCLUSION:
Frigates have ...........2x the dps/mass of destroyers
Destroyers have..... 2x the dps/mass of battleships
Frigates have ...........4x the dps/mass of battleshipsFrigates have ..........~2x the hp/mass of destroyers
Destroyers have ....~0.7x the hp/mass of battleships
Frigates have ..........~1.4x the hp/mass of battleshipsA Few Scenarios
10k mass
40 frigates (2571.6 DPS) vs 2 destroyers, 22 frigates.......(1874.38 DPS)
40 frigates (2571.6 DPS) vs 4.4 destroyers (10k mass)...(1012 DPS)
40 frigates (2571.6 DPS) vs 1 battleship, 8 frigates............(1064 DPS) (lol)I don't really know how to measure range with these values but in my sandbox testing I found that the kiting ability of destroyers isn't enough to stop the mass equivalent in frigates, which in my opinion is a good thing. Pure destroyer spam should lose to frigates. The problem is that destroyers + frigates will lose to pure frigates
My Proposal: Battleships and Destroyers should be more specialized to incentivize a 3 tech navy composition. Destroyers should become more glass cannon like with = or slightly worse dps/mass of the frigate but also have it's health dropped substantially. That way destroyers MUST be shielded with frigates but also good enough that a destroyer+frigate composition wins over pure frigates. Battleships should become far tankier, with their hp/mass = or slightly worse to the Frigate, but their dps should be dropped substantially. Also some range buff would be good. This means that battleships can act as a back row artillery section but they could also be cycled up front and act as sponges and the destroyers can fall behind them. This should make navy gameplay more engaging and make the current stalemate meta of lobbing battleship shells at each other while the frigates afk waiting for a full commit from the opponent less viable.
Some common arguments against pure frigate spam being OP
Just make torpedo bombers bro!
frigate aa is good enough that a lot of them will stop torpedo bombers. Also this creates a weird dynamic that you/your team must be winning air in order to not lose to frigate spam
Just kite them bro!
Not all destroyers can shoot while kiting, and half of them that can kite don't have all guns available while doing so, which just makes frigates even better
being frigate locked is okay, I won't be punished until they send t2, bro!
while true on some maps, 3/4 factions have good enough aa to stop torps, seraphim being the weakest and cybran being the strongest. Shards are great btw
Frigates being OP is okay and I like it that way, anything above t1 should be used for punishing an already won navy position, bro!
I understand that in a ladder game there is usually a lot on your plate and navy comp is just another addition to the long list of things to pay attention to, but it makes navy gameplay in team games so boring
I'd like to hear what you guys think
Edit: I mostly play Setons and large team games so my experience might be different than yours. Feel free to tell me why!
RE: map-based rating
That sounds cool at face value but then I remember that I already have three other ratings to keep track of, nevertheless a dozen new ones for all of the popular maps!
RE: Can't change forum profile picture
very weird. @arma473 that is the picture i currently have set. Btw everything looks fine on my end at the moment
RE: Can't change forum profile picture
Interesting. So i've deleted my cookies and image caches again, and I could see that my pfp did change. So it's certainly something to do with my Chrome browser. on my end I still see eternal's avatar on my profile but you guys should see something else. I'll just have to clear my caches everytime i want to change something on here. thanks guys
RE: Can't change forum profile picture
That did not work, it still has my old pfp (the one i have on right now) saved in it's cache for whatever reason. I also tweaked the image, saved it as both a png and jpg, neither worked. Eternal's didn't work either
Can't change forum profile picture
I can remove my uploaded image and go back to the default pfp (like i am now) but every time i go to upload a new image, it reverts back to my old one. I've tried deleting cookies, signing in and out, nothing is working for me