Please don't put that Self-repair crap on the Cyrban com, really not needed and will only end up in more silly changes to other faction coms to "balance". Cybran coms regen more anyway. Plus are we really gonna have tele laser nano coms fresh everytime they tele to the next area?! I only play as Cybran and think this change would be tragic.
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
RE: 4v4 TMM January 2023 Map Pool Tier List
This forum itself highlights the issue. Any map is a battlefield. The only thing that's needed is good rotation, and not the same 4 maps rotating every month because on top of that at least one will be Adaptive Point of Reason (Great map), or Seraphim Glaciers (Not the best 4v4 map).
RE: Cybran T2 PD - Balance review please
The Cerberus turret is the most versatile turret. Don't like it, pick another faction instead of trying to make everything the same!
RE: Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit
UEF T3 Battleship (Summit Class), just brilliant.
UEF T2 Cruiser (Governor Class) is very sexy though.
RE: Rating Calculation Questions
@deszcz_pyr This is correct. The system so far sees your friend as having more potential due to playing less, and the games he has played he's done as well as you if on same team. The system is balancing everyone all the time, it isn't thinking about how you perceive performance within your team. A win is a win, stats don't always tell the story.
RE: Rating Calculation Questions
It looks great, and the graph shows clear distribution. No share 4v4tmm could probably go, custom lobby is better for arranging no share games. Thanks for all the work you guys put into it. Long live FAF!