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RE: Council of Setons EXPOSED - Part 1
Brink if you believe this you should name names.Naming names turns it into a brawl. If we can't agree that problems exist, and that they should be solved in a certain way, then the names do not matter.
RE: Council of Setons EXPOSED - Part 1
I have thoughts -
Not gonna get into the nine/tatsu business, gonna focus down.
FAF had a toxicity problem from the top to the bottom, and it has had it for nearly a decade. The toxicity and lack of dealing with it has left a long trail of casualties in the community, myself included.
I am not going to be naming any names, but here are the thoughts.
If someone is toxic/trolling/irresponsible, their contributions should not be considered when weighing removal or censorship. It doesn't matter if they have made 35 commits, or done a bunch of mod work.... Toxic is toxic, and that crap needs to be cut out of the community.
Opening the client should not be a trauma risk. There have been occasions where I regretted opening FAF on stream, whether it's users named for genital diseases discussing the merits of slavery in the main chat, or strings of slurs as game titles hosted in the multiplayer tab, or getting into a game and being abused continually until the offending player throws the game and some slurs on the way out. Why. Is. There. Not. A. Word. Blacklist. In. The. Client. This is incredibly basic stuff in community management, but for some reason FAF doesn't have it and the people in charge of community/moderation do little to reign it in with permanent/decisive actions.
The councilors should not hold their positions if they cannot conduct themselves professionally. Period. Name-calling, derision, inappropriate gossip/public appeals, mistreatment in any way of a player or community member who approaches them.... If they can't conduct themselves decently, they can't hold a position where they affect FAF.
Maybe this time around something will come of this discussion, but I don't hold out much hope. I got tired of trying a long time ago, and at this point I basically don't interact at all with the main FAF community. It just isn't worth it.
RE: A FAQ for Supcom Gameplay
New WST!!! This one teaches how to nuke.
As usual, reminder that there are a lot of constraints for the amount of time in these vids, so dense, to the point, and as few tangents as possible. I could go for an hour on the finer points of nukes and build power xD
Here's the link, and added it to the top -
RE: RCIII - Civilians ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
Sign me up -
Running ~1400 in both ladder and global, but kind of in a state of high flux at the moment xD
RE: MMLs are terrible - Lack of competent T2 siege option contributes to turtling
I have seen so many faces wrecked by MML spam in midrank team games it is not even funny. One of the guys in our normal crew has actually integrated "the mml phase" into his general strategy it is so successful.
If you have ~10 mml (which is not that expensive) you cannot reasonably build enough TMD to defend against it in a firebase. If you do manage, you are so far behind on eco, you've pretty much thrown. Yes, I know, not every game has firebases, but I think it should logically follow that not every game needs MML to be built either.
RE: A FAQ for Supcom Gameplay
New WST is up!!! This time around, it is "how to ACU."
I packed everything I could into ~6.5 minutes because I couldn't get it shorter. As always, I am super interested in feedback so that I can improve future videos!!! A side note, the google sheet linked above for suggestions also has future scripts posted to it. If you are a decent player and want to leave comments on things, feel free to. While I am reasonably competent, I ALWAYS miss stuff xD
Thanks guys!
RE: Where is ma boi sheeo
Something something making money off someone elses IP would be the fast road to getting sued something something.
RE: A FAQ for Supcom Gameplay
@Jip this observation is totally valid, but keep in mind something - One of the foundations of this project is to be very specific. Vids need to be under 5 minutes, very information dense while being easy listening material, and address things that a lot of people struggle with consistently.
Totally true that units and APM are resources, but you can't easily explain that in the same video with this format because it dilutes the point and takes too much time to show. Hopefully as time goes on and this gets fleshed out more, other pieces can be added to complete the puzzle, or people can be directed to more in depth tutorials.
A FAQ for Supcom Gameplay
Hello! I started the (long and arduous) process of creating a playlist of short form videos answering questions that I have gotten many..... MANY times over the course of a few years on youtube/twitch.
FAQs such as -
- Economy
How to balance eco? -
- Micro
How to Bomber? -
How to ACU? - Strategy
How to Nuke? -
- The Client
This list will be expanded as more videos come out, and will hopefully be a useful resource for the community!
If you have any burning questions you want addressed that you haven't seen answers for, use the doc here to leave a comment!
Mods - Please let me know if there is a more appropriate place for this, I checked the tutorials subcategory, and it seems like only map/mod making?
RE: Call for an Icon artist
Yeah, if you do it at 200%, it is much easier to downsize with little to no correction. Can we get a list of icons that are already being worked on so peeps can claim some to punch out?
RE: Call for an Icon artist
So.... You need someone to blow up the existing icons in 25% increments and then do pixel correction to get rid of the blur? I can do that. I may be misunderstanding what you want though.