@magge Thank you. The problem were the music files.
RE: Game crash at exactly 20 or 25 minutes
Game crash at exactly 20 or 25 minutes
Hey! I have a problem where the game immediately crashes at exactly 20 or 25 minutes, every time. I have tried verifying game files, uninstalling and reinstalling the client, reinstalling the entire game, cleared cache, uninstalled all mods, uninstalled all custom maps. Nothing works. From what I have read it could be something with Stereo sound, but I have no idea. Thanks in advance.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0594de58 attempted to read memory at 0xb2a18c19 Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\Users\CumComa\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_21027083.log /gpgnet /mean 1190.37 /deviation 294.351 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country /clan Swg /numgames 7 /numgames 7 Callstack: Unknown symbol (address 0x0594de58) Unknown symbol (address 0x0593e001) BaseThreadInitThunk + 20 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes) RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 102 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes) RtlClearBits + 186 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes) Last 100 lines of log... warning: Overwriting user key action: select_gunships -> UI_SelectByCategory AIR GROUNDATTACK warning: Overwriting user key action: teleport -> StartCommandMode order RULEUCC_Teleport warning: Overwriting user key action: cycle_idle_factories -> UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").CycleIdleFactories() warning: Overwriting user key action: create_template_factory -> UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").CreateTemplateFactory() warning: Overwriting user key action: select_all_air_exp -> UI_SelectByCategory AIR EXPERIMENTAL warning: Overwriting user key action: select_all_land_indirectfire -> UI_SelectByCategory LAND OVERLAYINDIRECTFIRE warning: Overwriting user key action: select_all_t1_engineers -> UI_SelectByCategory LAND TECH1 ENGINEER warning: Overwriting user key action: toggle_intelshield -> UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleIntelShieldScript() warning: Overwriting user key action: Render_Unit_Bars -> ui_RenderUnitBars warning: Overwriting user key action: select_all_battleships -> UI_SelectByCategory NAVAL BATTLESHIP warning: Overwriting user key action: toggle_cloakjammingstealth -> UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleCloakJammingStealthScript() warning: Overwriting user key action: select_all_similar_units -> UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").GetSimilarUnits() warning: Overwriting user key action: select_all_stationdrones -> UI_SelectByCategory AIR STATIONASSISTPOD warning: Overwriting user key action: show_network_stats -> ren_ShowNetworkStats debug: Preloading 1411 batch textures debug: Preloading 971 d3d textures debug: Preloading 111 models debug: Preloading 532 animations info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: /savereplay warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d debug: Current gametime: 00:00:00 info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: Exe GitSHA: 1a9450d debug: Caching 1 markers of type Island! debug: Caching 0 markers of type Naval Exclude! info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY 2 : Initiating Archetype using NormalMain warning: No tooltip in table for key: options_ warning: No tooltip in table for key: options_ debug: Current gametime: 00:00:30 warning: No tooltip in table for key: options_repeatbuild debug: Current gametime: 00:01:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:01:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:02:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:02:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:03:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:03:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:04:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:04:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:05:00 info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 40 markers for Land Path Node info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 0 markers for Water Path Node info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 13 markers for Air Path Node info: AIGetMarkerLocationsEx 40 markers for Amphibious Path Node debug: Current gametime: 00:05:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:06:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:06:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:07:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:07:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:08:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:08:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:09:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:09:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:10:00 info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0232e) supplied in a pose update. warning: SND: Error playing cue 279 on bank 9 [xgg] XACT: Invalid arg debug: Current gametime: 00:10:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:11:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:11:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:12:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:12:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:13:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:13:30 warning: Error running OnRelease script in <deleted object>: ...mdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\maui\button.lua(119): Game object has been destroyed stack traceback: [C]: in function `Play' ...mdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\maui\button.lua(119): in function <...mdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2\lua\maui\button.lua:112> debug: Current gametime: 00:14:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:14:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:15:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:15:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:16:00 debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/unknown_icon.dds debug: Current gametime: 00:16:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:17:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:17:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:18:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:18:30 debug: Caching 6 markers of type Naval Rally Point! debug: Current gametime: 00:19:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:19:30 debug: Current gametime: 00:20:00