Crash Upon FAF Client Create Game Start Up - ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed
Client 2025.1
Win 11, RTX3080, i7-14th, 32gb DDR5Used to be able to launch this game with no problems, but had to wipe my SSD's and now when launching the game, i get a crash log with this being the primary warning:
warning: c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\effects.nx2\effects\mesh.fx: unable to compile effect: c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\effects.nx2\effects\mesh.fx reason: (716): error X4502: invalid input semantic 'TEXCOORD5'
(1707): error X4502: invalid input semantic 'TEXCOORD6'
ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed
Full Log:
game_24051089.logIf anyone has seen this before or could lend assistance, would be greatly appreciated.
Have the same, or at least very similar, case via Discord tech-help. I have found no solution so far, and have not seen such error before.
Edit: Have added 'ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed' to your title to make it more searchable.
I had little luck when I messed with some permissions within the hidden program data folder for the client, but would only work for one game instance then changes were auto reverted.... I have had hit and miss luck with purging the gamedata folder, and letting the client regather the data, but at this point, I am completely stuck and no consistently working solutions... depressing
The effects file highlighted appears to be the issue, and works with low success rate when deleting it, but mostly it just re-populates and throws the error again...
Been troubleshooting for HOURS at this point
M magge referenced this topic