@InsidiousNoob Are we strictly going off global rating for this tourney, or will 3v3 tmm be used if it is higher?

We can't take someone's 3v3 tmm rating and the other global rating and the other his 4v4 tmm rating , we gotta stick to one and i decided the Global Rating.

ok cool thx for clarity

Looking for a team, Skrat 1643

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Sign up Wifi_ (2300), Swatoslav (2100), Finisterre (1400)

Frozen ratings from 01.10 SS are taken today (01.10) Please only Register urself with rating you have here listed
I have taken SS to the 500 spot anyone below that can just use his current rating when he register others please use the rating in the ss provided also calculate your teams rating with those rating too.
So you dont have to worry if you lost/gained points for these two weeks 🙂

Sign up
LimeZ3_ + White_Owl + BlInchIk

Make t3 mex, not war

@limez3_ where the rating

Please note that valid registration is only accepted when both your name and rating are provided from the screenshots I shared of the Global Rating Leaderboard (01.10). Submitting just your name is not sufficient.
Take a moment to check the provided screenshots and include your rating correctly when registering, especially since you likely already have an idea of your placement there.

@insidiousnoob Where are the screenshots?

Sorry for my English. I use translator

@skrat said in MapGen 3v3 SHOWDOWN:

@insidiousnoob Where are the screenshots?

or just use

if the ratings arent close enough to the rating cap for it to be a concern to use the frozen ratings

Sign up 2100 free agent Discord channel for the tourney , feel free to join to find players who also are interested for the tourney and possible form a team !

Sign up Neytron (1800) Ctrl-k (1800) Pivnishko (2300)

Hello Neytron
First of all you have not signed up corretly , me and Ftx established that being close to the rating cap you'd have to actually use the frozen rating SS to provide exact rating to see if the team is egible to get formed.
Second point : I had to check it for you and figure it out and found out that your team is not in fact 1800+1800+2300 but instead is 1836+1817+2256=5909 , if you had provided the rating correctly as i ruled before and asked for allowance to form the team i'd would let you pass but now i am very tempted to just not let you form the team since it exceeds 9 points over the limit and you not putting the little effort to sign up corretly as ruled , instead you think you can get away unnoticed or just didnt care to check at all which both these actions would piss me off and thats why yall make being TD so hard.

Bloo_Dream 1409 would like to sign up and play and practice if anyone would like to take me pls 😄

Sign up pls

Skrat 1643 + Aranei 1633 + ChickenoPithecus 1877

Total 5153

Sorry for my English. I use translator

@insidiousnoob Hello, please forgive me, my English is bad, I use a translator, and I have incomplete or sometimes incorrect information, I didn’t notice the instructions that you need to indicate the exact rating if we hang it a little, I wanted to indicate the exact one, but at the time of registration I was on work and got stupid, I saw the registration of others, and also wrote a rounded one, I realized that I made a mistake, I apologize, I hope you will be understanding and consider participating our team, if you do not want to accept us, we will be understanding

I understand the situation with using a translator and being at work, but I must be strict about following the tournament rules to ensure fairness for everyone.
Since your team exceeds the 5900 rating cap with a total of 5909, I’m unable to accept your registration. The requirement to provide exact ratings using the frozen leaderboard was clearly outlined, and it’s important that all teams adhere to this rule.
Feel free to re-submit if you can form a new team within the limits.