game crashes after few minutes or after trying to close it

My friend got issue with game - his game crashes after few minutes or when trying to close game. here is debug log game_22970710.log . we tryed this (
Windows key > type: Control Panel > Open > Sound > Playback > select the Device you use:
Configure > Stereo > finish configuration,
Enhancements > Disable all enhancements,
Advanced > no higher than 24 bit, 48000 Hz,
Spatial Sound > Off,
Restart or Shift+Shutdown (not just Shutdown) of PC
) but it did not help. any suggestions what we might do?

Aside from the basic sound configuration - which it appears you have done - most motherboard manufacturers install an applet (usually found down in the system tray - near the time - that allows additional audio controls. These applications are typically the cause of the problem - uninstall them if you don't absolutely need them.

crash text: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x02fcd78e
attempted to read memory at 0x3e5c7000

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\Users\fire4\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_22971002.log /gpgnet /mean 1303.6099853515625 /deviation 119.14099884033203 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country RU /clan ABS /numgames 135 /numgames 87

Unknown symbol (address 0x02fcd78e)
Unknown symbol (address 0x02fca3dd)
Unknown symbol (address 0x02fcdd4b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x004db001)
Unknown symbol (address 0x1142e47b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x666f724b)

Last 100 lines of log...

debug: generated neighbors and labels: 3.814722
debug: generated marker metadata: 3.815222
debug: NavGenerator - culled 424 labels
debug: cleaning up generated data: 3.815538
debug: generated tree information: 3.925797
debug: Generated in 3.93 seconds
debug: Allocating 28.8mb memory
debug: Allocated megabytes for labels: 0.229713
debug: Number of labels: 446.000000
debug: Number of cells: 72923.000000
debug: { -- table: 26691F50 (200 bytes)
debug: Air = {...} -- table: 26691B18 (200 bytes),
debug: Amphibious = {...} -- table: 26691AA0 (200 bytes),
debug: Hover = {...} -- table: 26691AC8 (200 bytes),
debug: Land = {...} -- table: 26691A78 (200 bytes),
debug: Water = {...} -- table: 26691AF0 (200 bytes)
debug: }
debug: Caching 4 markers of type Large Expansion Area!
debug: Caching 9 markers of type Expansion Area!
debug: Generated rally point markers in 1.19 miliseconds
debug: Caching 36 markers of type Rally Point!
debug: Generated rally point markers in 0.16 miliseconds
debug: Caching 74 markers of type Naval Area!
debug: Generated naval area markers in 2.26 miliseconds
debug: Preloading 1418 batch textures
debug: Preloading 0 d3d textures
debug: Preloading 0 models
debug: Preloading 0 animations
info: creating medium fidelity terrain
info: creating low fidelity water
info: creating medium fidelity terrain
info: creating low fidelity water
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendPowerGeneratorsToTML with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendT3FabricatorWithStorages with name Storages
debug: Context based templates: Found template: TorpedoDefense with name Torpedo defense
debug: Context based templates: Found template: T3ExtractorWithStorages with name Extractor and storages
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendPowerGeneratorsToSalvation with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendWallsToPointDefense with name Walls
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendOpticsWithPower with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendAirGrid with name Air grid
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendPowerGeneratorsToEnergyStorage with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendExtractorWithFabs with name Storages and fabricators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendPowerGeneratorsToT3Artillery with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendRadarWithPower with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendPowerGeneratorsToT2Artillery with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: T1Hydrocarbon with name Hydrocarbon
debug: Context based templates: Found template: T3ExtractorWithStoragesAndFabs with name Extractor, storages and fabricators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendT3ArtilleryWithPower with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: PointDefense with name Point defense
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendT2ArtilleryWithPower with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AirDefenseLand with name Anti-air defense
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendExtractorWithStorages with name Storages
debug: Context based templates: Found template: T3Extractor with name Extractor
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AirDefenseWater with name Anti-air defense
debug: Context based templates: Found template: AppendSalvationWithPower with name Power generators
debug: Context based templates: Found 23 templates
info: /savereplay
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
debug: Session time: 00:00:27 Game time: 00:00:00 Heap: 416.0M / 389.7M
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
info: Exe GitSHA: acaa28b
debug: Caching 1 markers of type Island!
debug: Caching 0 markers of type Naval Exclude!
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY 2 : Initiating Archetype using TurtleMain
warning: No tooltip in table for key: options_invert_middle_mouse_button
warning: No tooltip in table for key: options_invert_middle_mouse_button
debug: Session time: 00:00:37 Game time: 00:00:10 Heap: 416.0M / 392.2M
warning: No tooltip in table for key: options_invert_middle_mouse_button
debug: Session time: 00:00:57 Game time: 00:00:29 Heap: 416.0M / 399.4M
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
info: Score data received!
info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000
info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR